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Geotechnical News • September 2013
Thomas R. Briggs Professor of Engi-
neering in the School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering at Cornell
University, will provide each group
with a choice of one or more lecture
topics and the group will jointly
decide the topic to be presented at its
location. For information,
Georgia Chapter
Luis Babler, PE, M.ASCE, Chair
(770) 426-7100
Hawaii Chapter
Tim (Xiaobin) Line, PE, M.ASCE,
(808) 397-6974
Oregon Geo-Institute Chapter
Troy Hull, PE, LG, M.ASCE
(503) 731-4850
St. Louis Geo-Institute Chapter
(314) 699-9660
University of Washington
Lorne Arnold
Graduate Student Organization
Distinguished ASCE Member
2014 Election
The G-I was proud to announce the
election of three of its members to the
grade of Distinguished Member in the
May/June 2013 Geo-Strata and now
announces that nominations for the
2014 elections will close on October
1, 2013. For information about the
selection process and a link to the
nomination form and a worksheet to
guide you through the nomination pro-
cess, see
. For
more information, contact Jane Moran
Alspach, ASCE Honors and Awards, at
1.800.548.2723 ext.6382 or
G-I Co-Sponsored
2013 Texas Section Fall Conference
and Centennial Celebration
September 11-14, 2013
OMNI Dallas
Dallas, TX
For the first time, the Texas Section is
partnering with ASCE’s Architectural
Engineering Institute, Construction
Institute, Coastal Ocean Port & River
Institute, Environmental & Water
Resources Institute, Geo-Institute,
Structural Engineering Institute, and
Transportation & Development Insti-
tute at the same time. The Section is
also partnering with the Texas Depart-
ment of Transportation, US Army
Corps of Engineers, Federal Highway
Administration, City of Dallas, Fort
Worth Transportation Authority, North
Texas Tollway Authority, Dallas Area
Rapid Transit, and many other local
and state agencies. These partner-
ships are laying the groundwork for
a conference that will provide a truly
diverse yet progressive technical and
professional program that represents
the best of the profession.
The 2013 program for the conference
will include 10 concurrent technical
tracks including a variety of sessions
that will demonstrate processes and
present projects that are redefining
civil engineering in all disciplines.
Attendees can share ideas with their
peers and learn how other companies
have adapted to changes in today’s
global economy. The Conference pres-
ents a tremendous opportunity to earn
PDHs and gain new knowledge.
IACGE 2013
October 25-27, 2013
Chengdu, China
The 2nd International Symposium on
Advances in Foundation Engineering
conference will focus on “Challenges
and Recent Advances in Geotechnical
and Seismic Research and Practice.”
This international symposium will
gather designers, consultants, contrac-
tors, regulators, researchers, and other
stakeholders together in a single forum
to address all aspects of foundation
engineering, including present state
of art/practice and challenging issues
facing the foundation engineering
profession. The basic goal is to share
information on how to do the job
most effectively with the lowest risk
and impact on the environment. This
symposium will be held in conjunc-
tion with the Sixth Annual General
Meeting of the Geotechnical Society
of Singapore.