Geotechnical News • September 2013
Louis Chapter web page at
GeoVirginia 2013
September 30 – October 2, 2013
Williamsburg, VA
The second GeoVirginia “Lessons
Learned in Geotechnical Engineering”
Conference will be hosted at the Wil-
liamsburg Lodge in Williamsburg, VA.
The conference opens with a golf tour-
nament Monday morning, followed
by an evening reception in the Exhibit
Hall. The technical portion of the
conference begins Tuesday with a full
day of presentations by invited leaders
of the profession. Tuesday evening is
open for you to enjoy historic Wil-
liamsburg immediately adjacent to
the Lodge. Presentations continue on
Wednesday until noon.
Geo-Institute welcomes new CA
and VA Chapters
The Geo-Institute is proud to
announce formation of its 34th and
35th Chapter – the SoCal Inland
Empire Geo-Institute Chapter and the
Chattanooga Geo-Institute Chapter.
The formation was authorized by the
San Bernardino- Riverside Counties
Branch of ASCE on May 7, 2013.
The new Chapters’ purpose is to
advance the geo-professional com-
munity through a collaborative and a
mutually-beneficial affiliation with the
Geo-Institute. For SoCal information:
or contact President of the
Geotechnical Committee
Kitch, PhD, PE, M.ASCE
. For Chat-
tanooga information, contact President
Mark Harrison, A.M.ASCE
Call for Posters for PA
Deadline: September 20, 2013
The 27th Central Pennsylvania
Geotechnical Conference has issued
a “Call for Posters” open to students
enrolled in a civil engineering pro-
gram at a U.S college or university
during the winter / spring 2014
semester. The conference is scheduled
for April 23-25, 2014 in Hershey, PA.
The Conference Planning Committee
asks interested authors to submit a
300-500-word abstract for review and
consideration of acceptance. Poster
abstracts must focus on geotechni-
cal case histories and advances in
geotechnical engineering. Successful
authors will be notified by October 14,
2013 of their acceptance. Authors of
accepted abstracts will be sent a poster
template to create a “draft” poster to
be submitted by February 3, 2014 for
review and approval.