Page 36 - GN-SEPT2013

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Geotechnical News • September 2013
Paolo Gazzarrini
Welcome to the 32nd episode of the
Grout Line. As usual at this time of the
year, I have prepared a brief summary
of the recent Grouting Fundamentals
and Current Practice Short Course
(34th year!), held at the Colorado
School of Mines in Golden, CO from
June 17 to June 21, 2013.
I also received an article from
Mohamed El Tani (a returning
contributor who is very active in the
Grout Line), related to different clos-
ing procedures in rock grouting, that I
am sure you will find interesting and
which can open new discussions on
the matter.
34th Grouting Fundamental and Current Practice Short Course
This unique course attracted more than
80 attendees, including contractors,
consultants, owners, and government
employees. A broad geographic pres-
ence stimulated detailed discussions
of grouting means and methods, with
attendees originating from Europe
(Sweden, Norway, Switzerland
and Austria), Japan, Canada, and
throughout the United States. I had
the opportunity to talk with several
participants, some of whom were
attending the short course for the third
or fourth time. They explained that
many seasoned grouters return to the
course periodically to keep abreast of
the latest developments in grouting
Jim Warner (the
gentleman who
instigated myself
in taking care of
this Grout Line (a
favour for which
he will someday
be repaid) kicked
off the course with
an overview of
grouting materials
and applications, and he was joined by
Fred Goodwin on the subjects of grout
rheology and cementitious admixtures.
The first day was rounded out by
presentations by Jim Warner and Joe
Harris on the subject of low mobility
The second day was dedicated mainly
to rock grouting, with Scott Kiefer