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Geotechnical News • September 2013
[13] Rombough V., Bonin D. & Shut-
tle D. 2006. Penetrability control
of the GIN mixes during fractured
rock grouting,
Sea to Sky Geotech-
nique, 59th Canadian geotechnical
society conference
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[14] El Tani M. 2009. Grout-Time to
break through the SL dispute.
technical News,
27, 3, 41-48.
[15] Gustafson G. , Claesson J. 2005.
Steering parameters for rock grout-
Unpublished paper submitted
. 19p. Received from
Stille H. (2009) in a private cor-
[16] Fransson A., Zetterlund A., Gus-
tafson G., Funehag J., Hernqvist
L., Butron C. 2012. A Swedish
grouting design concept: Hydrau-
lic testing and selection of grout.
Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Grouting and
Deep Mixing
, New Orleans, 1691-
[17] Dai G., Bird B.R. 1981. Radial
flow of a Bingham fluid between
two fixed circular disks,
Journal of
non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
, 8,
[18] López-Molina J.A., Espinosa-
Guillén J.A. 2013. Rock mass
enhancement by grouting: tools for
design optimization and decision
3rd Sinorock symposium,
Rock characterisation, modelling
and engineering design methods
Shanghai, 6p.
[19] López-Molina J.A., Valencia-
Quintanar J.A. , Espinosa-Guillén
J.A. 2011. Grouting treatment
design in foundation and abut-
ments of La Yesca hydroelectric
14th Pan-American
conference on soil mechanics and
geotechnical engineering
, 8 p,
[20] López-Molina J.A., Valencia-
Quintanar J.A. , Espinosa-Guillén
J.A. Mendietta-Torres G, Her-
nandez-Juárez P.G. 2012. Design,
Construction and Monitoring of
Grout Curtains for Concrete Face
Rockfill Dams in Volcanic Rocks.
Int. Symp. Dams for Changing
. 7-12, Kyoto, Japan.
Mohamed El Tani
Dipl. Physicist Engineer
Minusio-Locarno, Switzerland
P.S. The statements, developments and
conclusions in this note are those of
the author and not necessarily those of
Lombardi SA.
For grouting stories, case histories or
only to comment, you can write to me
@ Paolo Gazzarrini,
Ciao! Cheers!
An Investigation of Anchored Steel Pile Wall as a Retaining
Structure in Slope Stability
Ramli Nazir, Wong Teck Loon, Hamed Niroumand
Hillside development has became an
issue among geotechnical engineers to
deal with the unstable slope and to find
out the most effective and economic
solution. A research was conducted to
assess the effectiveness of an anchored
steel sheet pile wall as a slope stability
technique and its construction cost on
a failed slope at Malaysia. Two sets
of design with same design parameters
has been carried out to represent the
existing contiguous bored pile (CBP)
wall and the proposed anchored steel
sheet pile wall. Analysis was con-
ducted using Two-dimensional Finite
Element Modeling tool PLAXIS to
compare the effectiveness of anchored
steel sheet pile wall with existing CBP
wall in term of factor of safety (FOS)
of the repaired slope. Comparison also
was made based on the construction
cost of both methods. Results indi-
cated that the FOS of repaired slope
using anchored steel sheet pile wall
was slightly lower than those of using
CBP wall at each specified groundwa-
ter level considered but its construc-
tion cost was found comparatively
economical than CBP wall.
Anchored steel sheet
pile wall, CBP wall, Factor of safety
Landslides are a natural land degrada-
tion process, it is happening every-
where, every time. In Malaysia, there
has been a tremendous increase in
construction on sloped area over the
last 15 years due to depleting of avail-
able flat land. Hill-site development is
often related to landslides. The stabil-
ity of the slope cannot be determined