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Geotechnical News • March 2014
25 ans. Il a été le premier à offrir au
Québec les sondages au piézocône.
Il a développé et adapté divers outils
sophistiqués, notamment le permé-
amètre autoforeur, l’échantillonneur
Laval de grand diamètre pour les
sables, et les géocaméras en trous de
Il est l’auteur et le co-auteur de plu-
sieurs articles sur le comportement
mécanique des argiles sensibles, les
membranes d’argiles compactées,
le comportement des barrages en
remblais, et la conception des étangs
d’épuration. M. Bouchard s’est impli-
qué au sein de différentes chaires de
recherches industrielles, dont celles de
l’Université Laval et de l’Université
de Sherbrooke, dans lesquelles il a
contribué activement avec les cherch-
eurs et les étudiants.
Régis Bouchard est reconnu non
seulement au Québec, où il a œuvré
pour des clients majeurs tels Hydro-
Québec et le Ministère des Transports,
mais aussi au Canada en général, en
Californie et à Taiwan.
2013 EIC Awards
The following CGS members were
recognized for their contributions and
received the following awards from
the Engineering Institute of Canada
(EIC) in 2013. These awards were
intended to be featured in a 2013 issue
of Geotechnical News, but this was
not possible. The CGS apologizes to
the award winners for the delay.
Dr. Peter K. Kaiser - John B.
Stirling Medal
Dr. Peter K. Kaiser
was been
awarded the
John B. Stirling Meda
in recognition of leadership and dis-
tinguished service at the national level
within the Institute and/or its Member
Dr. Peter Kaiser has had an enormous
influence on the state of the art in rock
engineering as applied to underground
excavations, including mines and
tunnels. Working on the frontiers of
rock engineering issues, in the deepest
and most difficult rock conditions,
Peter’s research findings have made
it possible to design and successfully
construct excavations in complex
geological settings, in deep under-
ground mines in Canada and around
the world.
Since his arrival at Laurentian Uni-
versity, in 1989, Peter has founded
four separate and equally successful
research groups, all of which con-
tinue to thrive. Peter has worked very
closely with the mining and tunnelling
industries to ensure that important
research findings are applied in indus-
try and that the people he trains have
first class knowledge and hands-on
Peter Kaiser was previously the recipi-
ent of distinguished awards from the
CGS, CIM, the EIC and the Canadian
Academy of Engineers in recognition
of his incredible research productiv-
ity, and his influence on Canadian
mining industry in the development of
Canada, her natural resources and her
highly trained personnel.
Dr. Ian D. Moore - Julian C.
Smith Medal
Dr. Ian D. Moore
has been awarded
Julian C. Smith Medal
achievement in the development of
Dr. Ian Moore, one the world’s fore-
most researchers in the field of buried
infrastructure, was recognized for his
extraordinary leadership and contri-
butions to service at the national and
local levels, including the Canadian
Geotechnical Society, (CGS).
As a joint Editor of the Fourth edition
of the Canadian Foundation Engineer-
ing Manual (2006), Ian led a CGS
team who updated the Manual that
is extensively used by geotechnical
professionals across Canada and inter-
nationally. As Editor of the Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, Ian has over-
seen its growth in international pres-
tige and importance as a journal with
its emphasis on high calibre articles of
practical importance.
As founding chair of the Kingston
Section of the CGS between 2006 and
2010, Ian led development of a vibrant
new section, engaging local experts
from industry, academia, government,
and the graduate student community
at Queen’s and RMC. In addition, as
the founding Executive Director of the
Geo-Engineering Centre at Queen’s-
RMC, Ian has led the development of
one of North America’s largest and
internationally respected teams of geo-
engineering scholars.
Dr. Iain G. Bruce - Fellowship
of the Engineering Institute of
Canada (FEIC)
Dr. Iain G. Bruce
was awarded a
lowship of the Engineering Institute
of Canada (FEIC)
in recognition of
excellence in engineering practice and
exceptional contributions to the well
being of the profession and to the good
of the Society
Dr. Iain Bruce founded Bruce Geo-
technical Consultants in 1989 and
co-founded BGC Engineering Inc.
in 1990. Under his guidance, BGC
Engineering grew from a small spe-
cialist consultancy to a multidiscipline
organization of over 300 people in
20 years. Iain’s engineering expertise
is in dealing with mine wastes and
mine tailings dams. He has undertaken
many projects not only in Canada, but
also on four continents. In addition,
he currently serves on Geotechnical
Review Boards for over a half dozen
national and international mining com-
panies. Iain also contributed to prepar-
ing the Mining Association of Canada
(MAC) guideline on Operation,
Maintenance and Surveillance Manual
for Tailings and Water Management
Facilities, 2002.
Iain contributed to the well-being
of the geotechnical profession as an
executive member and then Chair of
the Vancouver Geotechnical Section in
1989; and as a member of the Orga-
nizing Committee for the Vancouver
Geotechnical Society’s Spring Sym-
posiums in 1987 and 1989. He also