Page 11 - GN-JUNE-2014

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ase Study; Natural Processes and
trength Degradation;
Soil Param-
ers for Numerical Analysis in Clays
t the time of this newsletter we have
ot yet finalized our international
eaker for the Fall 2014 CCLT. Our
cal Sections will be contacted once
ur speaker is finalized.
ince my last President’s Message,
am pleased to report that the CGS
as inked Memorandums of Under-
anding (MOU’s) with the Local
rganizing Committees (LOC’s) who
ill host the next two annual CGS
in 2015 and
eoVancouver in
2016. I, along with
e Secretary General
Victor Sowa
ve made it a priority to have these
OUs completed well in advance of
e conferences so that the LOCs can
nefit from the experience at CGS
adquarters and to ensure that impor-
nt organizational details are not
erlooked at the planning stage. T
GS Executive also held its spring
eeting in Quebec City on May 23
24. This gave them the opportuni
meet with the Chair of the Queb
ity LOC,
Jean Côté
, and to tour t
nue selected for the conference.
he CGS is also in early discussion
ith the Ottawa Geotechnical Grou
hich has expressed interest in hol
g the
70th Annual CGS Confer-
in Ottawa in 2017.
t time of this article, the plans for
eptember 28 to October 1, 2014
conference are well advanc
ith accepted papers in hand and
hibit space totally sold out. The
nference chair,
Dr. Wayne Clifto
d his group are an excellent exa
how to plan a conference! Note t
e early-bird registration closes
, 2014
. For further information,
ease point your browser to
would also like to congratulate th
ganizers of 6th Canadian Geohaz
ds Conference and their chair, Da
authier, who will be hosting this
nference at Queen’s University i
ingston, Ontario on June 15 to 18
2014. Working with this group of
superbly organized and enthusiastic
young people has been a pleasure for
both Victor and myself.
Finally, I am pleased to congratulate
CGS members
gis Bouchard
Gordon Ward Wilson
who were
inducted as Fellows of the Engineer-
ing Institute of Canada (EIC) for their
exceptional contributions to engi-
neering in Canada. The awards were
presented at the annual EIC gala held
in May in Ottawa.
In closing, I wish you all a great
summer and I hope to see you all at
GeoRegina 2014
this fall.
Provided by Richard Bathurst –
Message du président
L’un des plaisirs que je retire de mes
fonctions de président de notre Société
consiste à être souvent le premier à
connaître les belles réalisations de
nos membres et de les féliciter en
votre nom. J’en donne pour exemple
l’annonce de l’hiver dernier, au sujet
Suzanne Lacasse
, Ph. D. et anci-
enne présidente de la SCG (2003-04),
qui a été choisie par la British Geo-
technical Association pour pronon-
cer la 55e conférence Rankine. Elle
présentera sa conférence à Londres,
en mars 2015. Au nombre des autres
Canadiens qui ont reçu le même hon-
neur, on peut mentionner
(président de la SCG
en 1989-1990),
Evert Hoek
Kerry Rowe
de la SCG en 2001-2002). Ce qui rend
cet honneur encore plus important est