chairs of Divisions and Committees
will have access to document libraries
that can be used as templates to assist
them with their duties and to provide a
useful record of previous activities.
The Executive at its spring meeting
also made progress in updating the
Canadian Foundation Engineer-
ing Manual
(CFEM) which was
last revised in 2006. The Executive
is looking at the next CFEM to be
delivered in e-book format and to
make updates on a chapter by chapter
basis. This strategy will reduce costs
and ensure that those chapters that
most urgently need to be updated to
reflect the changing state-of-practice
in Canadian geotechnique, are made in
a timely fashion. By the time you read
this message, you will have received a
message from the CGS asking for your
input on this very important project.
A major activity of the CGS executive
and the chairs of the CGS Divisions
during this past summer was the
nomination and selection of winners
of the various CGS awards. I cannot
overstate how important these awards
are to our members and our Cana-
dian geotechnical community. With
the exception of the R.M. Quigley
Award for best paper published in
the Canadian Geotechnical Journal,
all CGS award winners must be CGS
members. There have been a number
of disappointments in the nomination
process when deserving members
have let their membership lapse and
therefore removed themselves from
consideration. I ask all members to
remind deserving individuals that an
important benefit of CGS membership
is to be recognized by one or more
of the prestigious awards of both the
CGS and the Engineering Institute of
Canada (EIC); but to be recognized,
you must be a CGS member!
At the time you read this article
you should have made plans to join
us at
GeoRegina 2014
to be held
September 28 to October 1
. Please
check the conference website at
for information
regarding other events including the
Legget Luncheon, Hardy Address and
Best Graduate Student Paper presen-
tation. Among the special presenters
will be
Dr. Scott McDougall
of BGC
Engineering Inc., who is the
CGS Colloquium speaker.
I am also
delighted to report that the CG
technical Research Board chair
Dr. Murray Grabinsky
has se
Dr. Greg Siemens
of the Royal
tary College of Canada to be o
CGS Colloquium speaker. Dr.
will give his talk at
in September of next year.
CGS Cross Canada Lect
(CCLT) brings one nation
one international expert to sele
Sections across the country eac
The Fall 2014 CCLT speaker w
finalized at the time this messa
prepared, but I am delighted to
that the
2015 Spring CCLT
will be
Professor Nick Sitar
University of California, Berke
Finally, I wish to alert our CGS
bers to the
4th Climate Chang
nology Conference
to be held i
2015 in Montreal
This conference is organized b
Engineering Institute of Canad
along with ten of its member so
including the CGS. This is a Ca
dian and international forum fo
exchange of ideas for dealing
mate change. It is also an oppor
to keep abreast of emerging tec
and technologies for the mitiga
and adaptation to the impacts o
mate change. We are all stakeh
in this important debate and ma
you are engaged in technical ac
that are impacted by climate ch
The conference organizers wou
to hear from you.
I hope to see you all at
Provided by Richard Bathurst
Message du président
Le siège de la SCG ne dort jamais. Du
moins, c’est l’impression que j’ai eue
alors que votre équipe de direction
évoluait au cours des quatre derniers
mois de son mandat. Naturellement,
les efforts déployés par notre compé-
tent secrétaire général,
Victor Sowa