Geotechnical News - March 2012 - page 58

should anyone else treat you and your
accomplishments as a big deal?
Getting started in the PR realm is easy.
Bearing in mind the dictum “News is
what an editor thinks is news,” take
some editors to lunch. Ask, “What
would you consider newsworthy?
What kind of additional information
might make even a somewhat hum-
drum news release – about a new hire,
a promotion, the award of a new com-
mission, etc. – more usable?”
Self-serving? Sure it is, but it’s
profession-serving, too, because every
geoprofessional is a representative of
the geoprofessions. Admittedly, when
just one geoprofessional issues one
news release, it’s just a professional
squeak. But when 20 geoprofessionals
issue news releases on a regular basis,
they create a roar that puts geoprofes-
sionals on the local media’s map. And
the media then bring it to “the people,”
helping geoprofessionals get credit
where credit is due.
Now imagine that happening in every
community across the nation where
geoprofessionals live and work. The
results would be pretty amazing.
And don’t forget that your efforts to
advance the geoprofessions in this
manner would be a valuable byproduct
of your efforts to advance yourself and
your organization.
The notion that “the verdict of his
fellow professionals is all the acco-
lade [the geoprofessional] wants” is
malarkey that justifies – if not glori-
fies – anonymity. And Hoover himself
never believed it for a second! He
was a self-promoter
par excellence
and, because of that, he created an
outstanding image for himself and a
now-lost luster for
You are a geoprofessional. You are a
big deal. That’s why you, like Hoover,
should let
know who you are
and what you do. It’s about time you
got the recognition you deserve from
your fellow man, not just your fellow
Your response is welcome. Send it to
Upcoming meetings
Mark your calendar! You don’t want
to miss any of the upcoming meetings
April 19-21, 2012
ASFE Spring (Annual) Meeting
Disney’s Contemporary Resort
Orlando, Florida
October 26-28, 2012
ASFE Fall Meeting
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
Denver, Colorado
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