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Geotechnical News • June 2013
al. Au nombre de telles contribu-
tions peuvent figurer :
la promotion de l’expertise
canadienne outre-mer;
la formation d’ingénieurs
d’importants services rendus
à des organismes d’ingénierie
l’avancement d’une technolo-
gie d’ingénierie reconnue sur la
scène internationale ».
Fellowships de l’ICI
. Un membre de
la SCG âgé d’au moins 45 ans peut
devenir fellow de l’Institut en rai-
son de son excellence en matière de
pratiques d’ingénierie et du caractère
exceptionnel de ses contributions à
l’avancement de la profession et de la
Membre honoraire
. Le Conseil de
l’ICI peut nommer des membres hono-
raires de l’Institut. Il s’agit de non-
membres qui ne sont pas ingénieurs
mais qui se méritent cette distinction
en raison de services rendus à la pro-
fession de l’ingénierie.
De la part de Victor Sowa, secrétaire
Call for Nominations – CGS
The next President-Elect for the Soci-
ety will be appointed effective January
1, 2014. The person appointed to this
position will then become President
of the Society for the years 2015
and 2016. It is now time to begin the
process leading to this appointment,
which will then be confirmed at the
66th Canadian Geotechnical Confer-
ence in Montreal on September 29 to
October 3, 2013.
In accordance with the By-Laws of
the Society, a Nominating Commit-
tee was formed to propose a suitable
candidate for the President-Elect. The
nominating committee consisted of
Bryan Watts
Dennis Becker
Heinrich Heinz
Michel Aubertin
(General Members
of CGS).
The Nominating Committee has
provided the name of
Mr. Douglas F.
VanDine, P.Eng., P.Geo
., as a candi-
date for the position of President-Elect
in 2014, and the President in 2015 and
2016. Mr. VanDine has agreed to be a
candidate to serve in these positions. In
the accompanying paragraphs, he pro-
vides a short statement which outlines
his objectives for the Society.
Mr. VanDine
is the candidate
proposed by the Nominating Com-
mittee, other candidates are also
welcomed. Any general member of the
Society may nominate a candidate for
election to the position of President-
Elect. Nominations must be received
by the Society Secretariat in writing by
June 15, 2013. Through the By-Laws
of the Society, any such nomination
must have the written support of at
least 18 general members of the Soci-
ety and a statement by the candidate
expressing willingness to serve as
President. Further information can be
obtained by CGS members from the
Society’s Administration Manual avail-
able in the Members Section. CGS
members can log-in at
login.php, then click Online Member
Resources, go to CGS Manuals, and
proceed to the Administration Manual
If there are no additional candidates
nominated by June 15, 2013, Mr. Van-
Dine will be elected by acclamation
at the September 29, 2013 meeting of
the Board of Directors of the Canadian
Geotechnical Society in Montreal. If
additional candidates are nominated,
selection will be by mail-in ballot, and
or by electronic ballot. Ballots will be
provided to all members of the Society,
on or before
July 15, 2013
, with a
deadline for receiving completed bal-
lots no later than midnight on
15, 2013
. Once all the ballots are
counted, the results will be presented
at the September 29, 2013 meeting of
the Board of Directors of the Canadian
Geotechnical Society in Montreal.
Provided by Victor Sowa, Secretary
: This notice and the following
nomination statement by Mr. VanDine
are provided for the purpose of record.
This notice and the following nomina-
tion statement have been issued to all
Canadian Geotechnical Society mem-
bers in an earlier email notice.
President-Elect’s Nomination
Doug VanDine, P.Eng./P.Geo.
Dear Fellow CGS Members
I am honoured to have been selected
by the Nominating Committee of the
Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS),
to be your President-Elect candidate
beginning in January 2014. I accept the
nomination. If acclaimed or elected, I
am prepared to serve as CGS President
for 2015 and 2016.
I am both a Geological Engineer
(B.Sc.(Eng)) and a Geotechnical Engi-
neer (M.Sc.(Eng)), who has worked
for the federal government, taught at
university, and worked for a number
of geotechnical engineering consult-
ing firms. Although I have worked
on a variety of different geotechnical
projects all over Canada, and some
abroad, I have specialized primarily in
landslides and related fields.
I have been a member of the CGS
Doug VanDine.