Page 19 - GN-June2013

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Geotechnical News •
June 2013
since 1972. I was one of the found-
ing members and the second chair of
the Engineering Geology Division. I
was also one of the founding members
of both the Heritage Committee and
the Vancouver Island Geotechnical
Group, and served for many years on
the Landslide Committee. I was hon-
oured to be selected to present the 8th
Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium.
I am a past recipient of the Thomas
Roy Award and what is now the Tony
Stermac Award. For several years, I
represented the CGS on what is now
the Canadian Federation of Earth Sci-
ences and was Treasurer of that orga-
nization for many years. I have served
as an Associate Editor of the Canadian
Geotechnical Journal.
Since 1999, I have been a Trustee of
the Canadian Foundation for Geotech-
nique, serving as its Vice President
for 3 years, and then President of the
Foundation since 2008. To insure there
is no conflict of interest if acclaimed or
elected as your President-elect, I will
resign as a Trustee of the Foundation
and, as previously planned, Dennis
Becker will assume the role of Presi-
dent of the Foundation.
I believe this is an interesting time
for the CGS. Although the number of
geotechnical practitioners in Canada is
increasing, the CGS membership has
levelled off, even though a number of
important issues to the geotechnical
profession, both nationally and inter-
nationally, are emerging. Nationally,
geotechnical engineering is not defined
even though it is a commonly used
term and is referred to in several pieces
of legislation, regulations and other
official government documents. There
is no discipline of geotechnical engi-
neering recognized in any Canadian
professional engineering association,
and because there are no geotechni-
cal engineering undergraduate degree
programs in any Canadian university,
the practice in Canada is essentially
only self-regulated, or at best regulated
by peer opinion. At least one provin-
cial engineering association is now
trying to define geotechnical engineer-
ing and is considering establishing
minimum academic and/or experiential
requirements that could initially be
used for self-evaluation by practitio-
ners. Internationally, by 2020, a more
formal evaluation and designation may
be required for Canadian geotechnical
engineers to work abroad. I believe
the CGS, although a technical and not
a regulatory association, should be
involved in these deliberations.
Initially formed in 1947, the CGS is
now approaching its 70th anniversary.
Nationally and internationally it is held
in very high regard. I believe that it’s
time for the CGS, including its seven
divisions, seven committees and 20
sections, to review why the Society
exists, how it operates, and make any
necessary changes to better serve ALL
geotechnical practitioners in Canada. It
should be THE “go to”’ society for
all things geotechnical in Canada, for
technical, collegial and social reasons.
It should not be a society that geotech-
nical professionals feel they should
maybe join, but a society that they
want to join.
Appel de nominations –
Président désigné de la SCG
Le prochain président désigné de
la société entrera en fonction le 1er
janvier 2014. La personne nommée
à ce poste occupera ensuite le poste
de président de la société pour les
années 2015 et 2016. Le temps est
venu de commencer le processus de
nomination des candidats au poste
de président désigné. Le résultat sera
annoncé lors de la 66e conférence
canadienne de géotechnique qui aura
lieu à Montréal du 29 septembre au 3
octobre 2013.
Conformément aux règlements admi-
nistratifs de la société, un Comité de
nomination a été mis sur pied, dans le
but de proposer un candidat approprié
pour le poste de président désigné. Ce
comité était composé de Bryan Watts
(président), de Dennis Becker (ancien
président), d’Heinrich Heinz et de
Michel Aubertin (membres généraux
de la SCG).
Le Comité de nomination a proposé
M. Douglas F. VanDine, ing. et géol., à
titre de candidat au poste de président
désigné pour l’année 2014, et de pré-
sident pour les années 2015 et 2016.
M. VanDine a accepté d’être candidat
et d’occuper ces fonctions. Plus loin
dans le texte, vous pourrez lire sa
déclaration de candidat, dans laquelle
il énonce brièvement ses objectifs pour
la société.
Bien que M. VanDine soit le candidat
EMX 0.308 k-ft
ETR 88.0 (%)
FMX 31 kips
BPM 48.30 **
VMX 19.5 f/s
RX9 0 kips
WS 16,807.9 f/s
WC 16,807.9 f/s
JC 0.00 []
2.20 ms
2.1 ksec/ft
FR 100.000 kHz
23.5 ms
3.1 ms
Project: STANTEC
Pile: #120 - Description: SPT
Operator: BJP
BN 8
10/4/2012 4:41:45 PM
LP 0.00 ft
CSX 26.2 ksi
26.8 ksi
CSB 16.3 ksi
EMX 0.299 k-ft
ETR 85.4 (%)
FMX 31 kips
LE 23.50 ft
AR 1.18 in^2
EM 30,000 ksi
SP 0.492 k/ft3
WS 16,807.9 f/s
WC 16,807.9 f/s
JC 0.00 []