Geotechnical News - September 2017 - page 8

Geotechnical News • September 2017
of our accomplishments and ongoing
It is my pleasure to announce that
Jean-Marie Konrad
(Laval Uni-
versity) will be the speaker for the
2017 Fall Cross Canada Lecture Tour
(CCLT). As I have noted earlier, this is
one of the most popular CGS events,
and important to note the next Tour
will be our 100
CCLT! The recently
created CGS Colloquium Lecture
Series (CLS) is also well underway.
The CLS, developed in partnership
with the Canadian Foundation for
Geotechnique, is delivered across
Canada by the Canadian Geotechni-
cal Colloquium Speakers. My sincere
thanks to our start up CLS presenters
Jasmin Raymond
Greg Siemens
We have now identified a geo-profes-
sional and long-time member of the
Society to work on the Errata for the
4th Edition of the Canadian Founda-
tion Engineering Manual (CFEM),
with the intent of having the Errata
finalized and delivered by the end of
2017.We are also actively working
on the other important component –
which is to work on the online English
and French versions of the CFEM, so
it can be delivered as early as possible.
These initiatives are led and coordi-
nated by our VP Technical
; thank you Suzanne! If you
are interested in contributing to these
important CFEM-related activities,
please contact us at
Our membership is the key to the
Society’s success. With this thinking
in mind,
Jean Côté
(VP Communica-
tions & Member Services) and the
CGS Executive is considering the pos-
sibility of reinstating the Membership
Committee. On another note, if you
have not already renewed your CGS
membership, I encourage you to do
so and continue receiving the benefits
provided to all our members. I am also
pleased to note that CGS still benefits
from a sound financial situation, as it
continues to be systematically man-
aged under the leadership of our VP
Kent Bannister
The organizational work for the
GeoOttawa 2017, the 70
CGS Con-
ference is well underway with more
than 400 papers already accepted.
The event will be held at the Shaw
Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
from Sunday, October 1 to Wednes-
day, October 4, 2017. I would like to
convey my sincere thanks to the Local
Organizing Committee (LOC) - led
Mamadou Fall
(as the Conference
Chair) - for their tremendous team-
work. In addition to participating in
the rich technical program presented
by the LOC, please make sure to
attend: the special luncheon event on
Oct. 2
to recognize the CGS Geo-
technical Achievements; the Awards
Banquet on Oct. 2
where many of
our colleagues will be recognized for
their outstanding contributions to the
profession and Society; and the Legget
luncheon on Oct. 4
where our most
prestigious prize will be given. I also
invite all of you to attend the annual
meetings of Divisions, Committees,
and the Geotechnical Research Board
(GRB) – where you will be able to
volunteer and contribute to the numer-
ous exciting activities of the Society.
We are actively preparing for the
annual Board meeting with Chairs of
Divisions, Committees, and Sections;
the main outcomes from this meeting
will be presented during the Business
meeting at the conference on October
. Other information on the Confer-
ence are presented below; please visit
the conference website
for more informa-
tion. I invite you to use the opportu-
nity to engage, network, and connect
with your colleagues while finding
ways to contribute to our Society and
the profession.
In conclusion, I would like to thank
and recognize the contributions
from our CGS volunteers involved
in the Executive, Board, Sections,
Divisions, Committees, and exter-
nal representations along with the
members of our CGS National
office (
Michel Aubertin
- Executive
Wayne Gibson
- Director,
Administration and Finance; and
- Director, Communica-
tions and Member Services), and our
CGS Corporate Sponsors.
Once again, thank you for reading this
message and consider offering feed-
back. I look forward to meeting you
in person at GeoOttawa!
Provided by Dharma Wijewickreme
CGS President 2017 - 2018
Message du président
J’espère que vous avez passé un bel
été et que vous vous réajustez bien aux
horaires automnaux habituels. Je sou-
haite profiter de l’occasion qui m’est
offerte ici pour revenir sur certains
points mentionnés dans mes messages
antérieurs et pour vous informer des
réalisations de la SCG et de ses activi-
tés en cours.
Comme indiqué précédemment,
l’implication et la participation des
membres constituent l’un des élé-
ments les plus importants pour la
SCG, et comme vous le verrez plus
bas, j’aimerais obtenir votre avis sur
certains points qui y sont reliés. Après
avoir lu ce message, j’espère que
vous nous ferez parvenir vos idées en
nous écrivant à
pouvez également nous transmettre
vos commentaires en répondant aux
sondages à l’intention des membres
qui seront menés durant la prochaine
conférence de la SCG.
En tant que société savante, nous
avons adopté de nombreuses
approches différentes pour servir nos
membres. Citons comme exemples :
les prix accordés pour reconnaître
les réalisations et les actions méri-
tantes de nos membres; la diffusion
de connaissances par le biais de la
conférence annuelle, de conférences et
de discussions techniques tenues dans
les sections locales; la production et la
publication du
Manuel canadien d’in-
génierie des fondations
); les
liens étroits que nous entretenons avec
Revue canadienne de géotechnique
offerte à tous nos membres; le maga-
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,...48
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