Geotechnical News March 2011
Message from the
Dear Colleagues,
This is my first message to the mem-
bers of the Canadian Geotechnical So-
ciety in my new role as President for
the 2011/2012 term. First I would like
to thank the immediate Past President,
Michel Aubertin, and his Executive
Committee (EC), for their accomplish-
ments and hard work during this past
term. This EC was responsible for the
roll-out of the new CGS website, the
near completion of French translation
of the Canadian Foundation Engineer-
ing Manual and many other initiatives.
Following in their footsteps are these
new EC members:
• Dr. John Sobkowicz
as Vice Presi-
dent, Technical. John is a Principal
with Thurber Engineering in Cal-
gary and replaces Dr. Doug Stead
in this role.
• Dr. Jean-Marie Konrad
as Vice
President, Communications. Jean-
Marie is a Professor of Civil Engi-
neering at the University of Laval
in Quebec City and replaces Dr.
Stéphanie Perret in this role.
• Mr. Peter Gaffran
, as Vice Presi-
dent, Finance. Peter is a Dam
Safety Engineer for BC Hydro for
the Lower Columbia and replaces
Mr. Don Lewycky who served two
terms in this role and made sub-
stantial improvements to our CGS
accounting systems.
• Ms. Marcia MacLellan
, as the
Representative for Local Sections.
Marcia is a Senior Geotechnical
Engineer and Associate with Klohn
Crippen Berger in Calgary. She
takes over from Dr. Marolo Alfaro.
Dr. Chris Hawkes
, as the Repre-
sentative for Technical Divisions.
Chris is an Associate Professor of
Civil and Geological Engineering
at the University of Saskatchewan
in Saskatoon. He takes over from
Dr. Jitendra Sharma.
We look forward to continuing the
efforts of the past EC while building
on the traditions and successes of the
CGS. We are ably assisted in our en-
deavours by our Secretary-General,
Vic Sowa
and our Administrator,
Wayne Gibson.
Bryan Watts, President of Canadian
Geotechnical Society.