Geotechnical News - December 2011 - page 13

Geotechnical News December 2011
studies in the Colloquium’s preparation.
The Colloquium is presented at the
CGS-SCG Annual Conference and
must be suitable for publication in
the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
It must be prepared in the format
established by the Journal; however,
the decision to publish in the Journal
is exclusively the responsibility of
the Journal Editor. The choice of
the individual and topic is made by
the Society’s Selection Committee
of the Geotechnical Research Board
based on the nominations received.
The successful candidate receives an
honorarium of $5,000 and a framed
Each nomination letter must pro-
vide an introduction to the candidate
and their main accomplishments. It
must be accompanied by an abstract
of about 2000 words of the proposed
lecture, emphasizing the importance of
the topic to the Canadian geotechnical
community, a brief review of the state-
of-the-art on that problem, an outline
of the significance of the candidate’s
contribution, and a curriculum vitae
listing the nominee’s practical experi-
ence relevant to the topic and the nomi-
nee’s publication record. Information
on the nomination criteria can be ob-
tained from Item C-2 of the “Awards
and Honours Manual 2010”, or the lat-
est edition. To find this Manual, CGS
members can log-in at
login.php then proceed to Online Mem-
ber Resources, and find the Awards and
Honours Manual.
Nominations should be submitted
prior to January 31, 2012 to James
Blatz, P.Eng., Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada,
or in care of
the CGS Secretariat at
Call for Nominations – The
Robert N. Farvolden Award for
Every year, in conjunction with
the Canadian National Chapter of
the International Association of
Hydrogeologists (CNC/IAH), the
presents the Robert N. Farvolden
Award to an individual or group to
recognize excellence in hydrogeology
in one or more of the following areas:
research and publication, professional
practice and education, and service to
the professional community or public,
either nationally or internationally.
Recent winners have been Garth van
der Kamp (2005), Emil Frind (2007),
Frank Patton (2008), the late Pierre
Gélinas (2009), Robert van Everdingen
(2010) and Bob Betcher (2011).
For the 2010-2012 Farvolden
Awards, because the two organizations
are not meeting jointly, the nominations
must be received by the CGS Secretary
General, Dr. Victor Sowa (vsowacgs@, or by Dr. Grant Ferguson
(Grant Ferguson
[grant.ferguson@us-]), President of the CNC/IAH, by
April 1st of the year of the Award. The
2012 Award will be announced first at
the CNC/IAH meeting in Niagara Falls
in September and then presented at the
meeting of the CGS in Winnipeg in Oc-
A nomination for the Farvolden
Award must describe the contributions
of the candidate(s). Each nomina-
tion will be considered by the Award
Selection Committee. This Commit-
tee may reject, without further con-
sideration, any nomination that, in its
opinion does not adequately detail the
contributions of the candidate(s). The
nominee (or nominees in the case of a
joint nomination) may be a specialist
or a generalist working in academia, or
for a government agency or in consult-
ing. The nominee(s) should display a
similar integrity, mentorship, or similar
unselfish leadership that distinguished
Robert N. Farvolden in his career.
The nomination should be supported
by additional letters of support which
must include support from outside the
institution to which the nominee(s)
belong(s). An appropriate nomination
will include a summary of the person’s
(or persons’) academic background,
their mentoring and/or teaching cre-
dentials, their achievements during
their career, and their contributions to
Canadian hydrogeology through their
leadership and participation. A single
• Tiltmeters
• Vibrating-Wire Sensors
• Dataloggers
• Monitoring Services
• Fiber-Optics
• Atlas
(Data Access Via Web)
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