Geotechnical News - September 2012 - page 15

Geotechnical News • September 2012
Retaining Structures over his 50-year
career. Additionally, it encourages
continued excellence and innova-
tion for those making a career in the
earth retaining structures industry.
The award is funded by an endow-
ment from the Schnabel Foundation
Mabry becomes 2012
Geotechnical Engineer of the
Richard Mabry, P.E., M.ASCE
, was
cited as the Philadelphia Section of
the ASCE 2012 Geotechnical Engi-
neer of the Year. Philadelphia Sec-
tion President, Ann M. Tomalavage,
P.E., M.ASCE presented the award to
Mabry at the Section’s annual Spring
Social on May 18.
Mabry is a senior engineering man-
ager with GAI Consultants at the
firm’s local office in Berwyn, PA. He
specializes in geotechnical engineering
and has a particular expertise in mine
(l to rt) Ann Tomalavage presents award to Richard Mabry.
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