Geotechnical News - September 2015 - page 11

Geotechnical News • September 2015
large spectre de thèmes incluant des
séances spéciales d’intérêt local et
national dans les domaines de spéciali-
sation de la géo-ingénierie, du pergéli-
sol et du génie géologique. En plus du
programme technique et des séances
plénières, la conférence comprendra
des ateliers, des cours intensifs, des
excursions techniques et des visites
Pour plus d’information sur les ses-
sions, les sujets et le programme
technique, visitez le site web
ou contacter
, Coprésident de la conférence
Michel Allard
, Copré-
sident de la conférence (pergélisol)
Pour les contributions en géotech-
Didier Perret
, Coprésident du
programme technique
Pour les contri-
butions en géotechnique des régions
froides et sur le pergélisol,
, Coprésident du programme
69th Canadian Geotechnical
October 2 - 5, 2016
Vancouver, British Columbia,
Call for Abstracts
Vancouver Geotechnical Society
and the
Canadian Geotechnical Soci-
invite you to the 69th Canadian
Geotechnical Conference. The confer-
ence will be held from October 2 to 5,
2016 in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada. It will cover a wide range of
topics, including specialty sessions
that are of local and national relevance
to the disciplines of geotechnical
and geo-environmental engineering.
In addition to the technical program
and plenary sessions, the conference
will include a complement of short
courses, technical tours, local excur-
sions and entertaining social activities.
The official languages for the con-
ference will be English and French.
Vancouver is well known for its
beautiful scenery, which encompasses
the Coast Mountains, the Fraser River
Delta and the Strait of Georgia. The
city has been host to many national
and international events, including the
2010 Winter Olympics. This breath-
taking surrounding lends itself to a
wide variety of geological conditions
and geotechnical challenges, including
high seismicity, steep terrain and soft
The Conference will be held at the pic-
turesque Westin Bayshore Hotel which
is well situated between the downtown
business district and Stanley Park.
The theme of the Conference is
“History and Innovation”
, which
will recognize the historical achieve-
ments and lessons learned over time
while highlighting innovation in
geotechnical engineering research
and practice. The Local Organizing
Committee for the conference invites
members from the Canadian and
international communities to contrib-
ute papers and case studies dealing
with historical design and construc-
tion practices or innovative analysis,
techniques and solutions.
Authors are invited to submit their
abstracts with a maximum of 400
words through the conference web
which will be launched late September
The abstracts should generally fall
within the following topics, but
sessions will be added for groups
of abstracts which share a common
theme but are not listed below:
• Fundamentals
Engineering Geology,
Geomorphology, Soil Mechanics,
Rock Mechanics, Physical and
Numerical Modelling.
• Case Histories
Site Characterization and Design
of Tailings Dams, Slope Stability
Analysis, Failure Analysis,
Highway Improvement Projects,
Seismic Design Aspects.
• Geohazards
Climate Change, Floods,
Landslides, Earthquakes,
• Problematic Soils
Soft and Compressible Soils,
Expansive and Collapsible
Soils, Loose and Liquefiable
Soils, Residual Soils, Ground
Improvement Methods,
• Infrastructure
Bridges, Highways,
Embankments, Dams, Pipelines,
Tunnels, Shoreline Engineering,
• Site Characterization
Advanced Laboratory Testing,
In Situ Testing, Instrumentation
and Monitoring, GIS and Remote
Sensing, Geophysical Methods.
• Foundation Design
Spread Footings, Rafts, Driven
Piles, Helical Piles, Caisson Piles,
Retaining Walls, Soil Structure
• Energy Resources
Hydroelectric, Liquefied Natural
Gas, Wind, Forestry, Mining,
Tailings, Oil Sands.
• Design Codes
NBCC 2015, CHBDC 2014.
• Groundwater & Hydrogeology
Groundwater hydraulics,
River Mechanics, Physical and
Numerical Modelling.
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