Geotechnical News - September 2015 - page 36

Geotechnical News •September 2015
Although both gradient ratio test
devices yielded a similar response, the
ability to test at high effective stress
assured saturation of the specimen in
the flexible-wall device, which was
believed to reduce the time required to
complete the test.
Williams and Abouzakhm (1989) had
earlier used a modified triaxial perme-
ability device to develop the general
concept of the Hydraulic Conductivity
Ratio (HCR) test in a flexible-wall
permeameter. The value of conductiv-
ity ratio is now defined by:
HCR = k
= hydraulic conductivity of the
soil-geotextile system at any time
during the test
= initial hydraulic conductivity of
the soil-geotextile system at the
beginning of the test
The test device allows for back-
pressure saturation and consolidation
of the test specimen, prior to imposing
seepage. In common with the gradi-
ent ratio test device, the geotextile is
placed at the base of the soil specimen.
Downward seepage flow establishes
a value of k
, and k
is then mea-
sured over a time period sufficient
for approximately 5 pore volume
exchanges. The methodology has been
standardized as a performance test,
and is intended for soil with a hydrau-
lic conductivity less than or equal to 5
x 10
cm/s (ASTM D5567).
ASTM D5101. Standard Test Method
for Measuring the soil-geotextile
clogging potential by Gradient
Ratio. ASTM International, USA.
ASTM D5567. Standard Test Method
for Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio
(HCR) Testing of Soil/Geotextile
Systems. ASTM International,
Austin, D.N., Mlynarek, J. and Blond,
E. (1997). Expanded anti-clogging
criteria for woven filtration geotex-
tiles. Proc. Geosynthetics ’97,
Long Beach, CA, 1997, Industrial
Fabrics Association International,
Bailey, T.D., Harney, M.D. and Holtz,
R.D. (2005). Rapid assessment
of geotextile clogging potential
using the flexible wall Gradient
Ratio test. Proc. Geo-Frontiers ’05,
Calhoun, C. (1972). Development
of design criteria and acceptance
specifications for plastic filter
cloths. Technical Report S-72-7
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, USA, 98p.
Fannin, R.J., Vaid, Y.P. and Shi, Y.C.
(1994a). Observations on the Gra-
dient Ratio test. ASTM Geotech.
Testing J., 17:35-42.
Fannin, R.J., Vaid, Y.P. and Shi, Y.C.
(1994b). Filtration behaviour of
nonwoven geotextiles. Can. Geo-
tech. J., 31: 564-569.
Fannin, R.J., Vaid, Y.P., Palmeira,
E.M. and Shi, Y.C. (1996). A
modified Gradient Ratio test
device. ASTM Spec. Tech. Pub.
1281 (Eds. S.K. Bhatia and L.D.
Suits), Denver, CO, 20 June 1996,
Fannin, R.J. and Srikongsri, A. (2007).
Geotextile filters in cyclic flow:
test results and design criteria.
Proc. Geosynthetics ’07, Wasing-
ton, DC, 16-19 Jan. 2007, pp.170-
Haliburton, T.A. and Wood, P.D.
(1982). Evaluation of the US Army
Corps of Engineers Gradient Ratio
test for geotextile performance.
Proc.2nd Int. Conf. on Geotextiles,
Las Vegas. USA, 1:97-102.
Hameiri A. and Fannin R.J. (2002). A
cyclic gradient ratio test device.
ASTM Geotech.Testing J., 25:266-
Harney, M.D. and Holtz, R.D. (2001).
A flexible wall Gradient Ratio test.
Proc. Geosynthetics ’01, 12-14
Feb. 2001, Portland, OR, pp.409-
Holtz, R.D., Christopher, B.R. and
Berg., R.R. (1997). Geosynthetics
Engineering. BiTech Press, Rich-
mond, B.C., 452p.
Lafleur, J., Francoeur, J., and Faure,Y.
(2002). Piping, bridging and
blinding of geotextiles as evalu-
ated from the Gradient Ratio test.
Proc.7th Int. Conf. on Geosynthet-
ics, Nice, France, pp.1069-1074.
Palmeira E. M., Gardoni M.G. and
Bessa da Luz D.W. (2005). Soil-
geotextile filter interaction under
high stress levels in the gradient
ratio test. Geosynthetics Interna-
tional, 12:162-175.
Schiereck, G.J. (2003). Introduction to
Bed, Bank and Shore Protection.
Taylor and Francis, 399p.
Srikongsri, A. and Fannin, R.J. (2009).
Retention capacity of geotextile
filters in cyclic flow. Proc. Geo-
synthetics ’09, Salt Lake City, UT,
24-27 Feb. 2009, pp.498-508.
USACE (1977). Specification for
Plastic Filter Fabric. Civil Works
Construction Guide no.CW02215.
US Army Corps of Engineers, 7p.
Williams, N.D. and Abouzakhm, M.A.
(1989). Evaluation of geotextile/
soil filtration characteristics using
the Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio
analysis. Geotextiles and Geo-
membranes, 8:1-26.
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