Geotechnical News - September 2015 - page 27

Geotechnical News • September 2015
The TMSim model was utilized to
assess a CFF technology scenario
applied to the same Syncrude Aurora
North mine plan as the CT technology
(Beier et al. 2014). Several simula-
tions were completed to assess the
CFF dewatering model and mine plan
assumptions. In each scenario, up to
three in-pit dedicated disposal areas
(DDA) were used to contain the CFF
dewatered tailings. A sample of vari-
ous performance measures from one
of the TMSim runs are included in
Figures 3, 4 and 5.
The TMSim simulations demonstrated
the CFF dewatering process could
provide an opportunity to deposit high
density tailings stacks requiring mini-
mal containment. Up to two-thirds of
the yearly process water demand could
also be satisfied by immediate recycle
from the CFF process. Additionally, if
FFT spiking is incorporated, the exist-
ing legacy inventory can be consumed
and stored in the pore space of the
CFF tailings.
A simulation model, TMSim, was
developed which offers a quantita-
tive tool to aide in the evaluation of
tailings management technologies and
provide guidance to mine develop-
ers on strengths and limitations of
such technologies. TMSim provides
a virtual modeling environment that
incorporates the major components
of a mine system including the mine
plan, various stages of dewatering
and an impoundment material bal-
ance. Validation of the model with
base metal and oil sands mine data
sets demonstrated TMSim’s ability to
simulate tailings management systems
and technologies for a range of mining
The process of compiling the neces-
sary input data required by the TMSim
model provided significant insight
into the CFF process. The TMSim
simulations presented above provide
a baseline for further refinement and
sensitivity analyses of the technol-
ogy and depositional scenarios. As
research and development progresses
on the CFF process, the model can be
refined, providing an improved under-
standing of the impact of the CFF
technology to a mine and tailings plan.
The TMSim model was established
to be an effective, quantitative tool
that can be used in the evaluation of
technologies for mining operations.
The model can simulate a tailings
system over time, demonstrate various
outcomes by alternating management
practices and conduct sensitivity anal-
yses. Essentially, the simulation model
is a “what-if” tool to experiment with
various operating strategies or design
alternatives to support technology
assessment and scenario analysis.
Beier, N. 2015. Development of a
Tailings Management Simulation
and Technology Evaluation Tool.
PhD thesis, Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta. 475 pp.
Beier, N. and Sego, D. 2008. Dewater-
ing of Oil Sands Tailings Using
Cross Flow Filtration. 61st Cana-
dian Geotechnical Conference and
9th joint IAH-CNC Groundwater
Specialty Conference, Edmonton,
Alberta, 22-24 September 2008.
8 pp.
Beier, N., Sego, D., and Morgenstern,
N. 2012. Simulation of Tailings
Management Options. 3rd Interna-
tional Oil Sands Tailings Confer-
ence, Edmonton, Ab. December
5-8, 2012. 9 pp.
Beier, N., Sego, D. and Morgen-
stern, N. 2014. Assessing a novel
technology using a tailings man-
agement simulation model. 4th
International Oil Sands Tailings
Conference, Lake Louise, Alberta,
December 7-10, 2014, 10 pp.
Boswell, J.E.C. and Sobkowicz, J.C.
2010. Environmental assistance for
tailings disposal. 63rd Canadian
Geotechnical Conference, Calgary,
Alberta, 12-16 September 2010,
pp. 665-669.
Ifill, R.O., Beier, N.A., Zhang, C.
and Sego, D. 2010. Crossflow
Filtration: An option towards
Compliance with Directive 074.
Geotechnical News, June 2010,
30-33 pages.
Sobkowicz, J.C. 2012. The oil sands
tailings technology roadmap and
action plan: Introduction and
key recommendations. Third
International Oil Sands Tailings
Conference. Edmonton, Alberta.
December 2-5, 2012. Pp. 13-23.
Sobkowicz, J.C. and Morgenstern,
N.R. 2009. A geotechnical per-
spective on oil sands tailings. 13th
International Conference on Tail-
ings and Mine Waste, November 1
-4, 2009, Banff, Alberta, 26 pp.
Syncrude Canada Ltd. 2012. 2012
Annual Tailings Plan Submis-
sion Syncrude Aurora North
Mine. Report submitted to Energy
Resources Conservation Board,
September 28, 2012. 43 pp.
Zhang, C. 2010. Cross Flow Filtration
of Oil Sand Total Tailings. MSc
Thesis submitted to the Depart-
ment of Civil and Environmen-
tal Engineering, University of
Alberta. 182 pp.
Nicholas A. Beier, PhD, PEng.
Research Associate, Civil &
Environmental Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton,
David C. Sego, PhD, PEng.
Professor (Emeritus), Civil &
Environmental Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Norbert R. Morgenstern, PhD, PEng.
Distinguished University Professor
(Emeritus), Civil & Environmental
Engineering, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB.
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