Geotechnical News - December 2018 - page 14

Geotechnical News • December 2018
-- une participation dans LA Société
pour tous les professionnels en
géotechnique canadiens.
Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à tous
les nouveaux membres ainsi qu’à
ceux qui renouvellent leur adhésion
et sommes impatients de vous voir
participer en 2019. Nous vous encou-
rageons également à recommander la
SCG à un ami ou à un collègue. Nous
continuons à améliorer les avantages
que la SCG offre à notre profession.
Follow Us On Social Media
Did you know that you can follow the
CGS on various social media plat-
forms? You can get the latest CGS
news and follow trending geoscience
conversations on LinkedIn, Facebook,
Twitter an Instagram. Join over one
thousand of your colleagues who are
already following us on these plat-
Canadian Foundation for
Fall update
The Canadian Foundation for Geo-
technique was proud to sponsor
the award winners announced at
GeoEdmonton during the week of 23
September. The awards and recipi-
ents are described in detail elsewhere
in this issue. Sponsorship for these
awards is made possible by individual
and corporate donations from our
members. You will note that most of
the awards are for students and young
professionals, who are the future of
our profession and our society. If you
believe, as I do, that promoting our
young professionals in this manner is a
worthy goal of the Foundation and the
Society, please consider making a tax-
deductible donation to the Foundation.
This may be most easily accomplished
when you renew your CGS member-
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank
Mrs. Elizabeth White
encouraging donations to the Founda-
tion in memory of her husband, the
Dr. Owen White
. The Founda-
tion received numerous donations
in memoriam. She mentioned to me
that CGS meant so much to Owen’s
life and hers, and that they met and
learned from so many wonderful
friends in the Society. Dr. White was a
recipient of the R.F. Legget Medal and
was the founder of the Engineering
Geology Division of the CGS, in addi-
tion to his many other awards and con-
tributions to our profession. He was
also a strong proponent of education
in developing countries. Additional
details on Dr. White’s accomplish-
ments are contained in the September
2018 issue of Geotechnical News.
In a previous edition of our CFG news
in Geotechnical News, we announced
that a new graduate student award
was being developed which is aimed
specifically at Master’s level students.
We were pleased to announce at
GeoEdmonton that the terms of refer-
ence have been finalized and that the
award will be presented for the first
time at the annual conference in 2019.
We are also very pleased to announce
that the Past President of the Founda-
Dr. Dennis Becker
, has agreed
to let us name the award after him, in
honour of his numerous, significant
contributions to the Society, including
President of the CGS, as well as being
a recipient of the R.F. Legget Medal.
The Award will be named the Cana-
dian Foundation for Geotechnique
Dennis Becker M.Sc. Prize.
Two additional funding initiatives
have been formalized in the past year.
The CFG has committed to providing
up to $5,000 a year for the CGS Col-
loquium recipient to tour various cities
to deliver their presentation. The intent
of this initiative it to have one of our
best and brightest speak to students
at universities, to highlight to them
some of the great work going on in
our profession and to encourage them
to attend our annual conference and to
join the Society. There have been two
Colloquium tours; the first Colloquium
tour was by
Dr. Greg Siemens
in the
spring of 2017 where he visited the
following Society member locations:
• March 19
, St. John’s (Memo-
rial University). to undergraduate
and graduate students as well as
faculty and consultants from St.
• March 20
, Halifax (Dalhousie
University). to graduate students,
faculty and consultants.
• April 3
, Edmonton (University of
Alberta). to graduate students and
• April 3
, Calgary (University of
Calgary). to graduate students and
• April 4
, Saskatoon (University of
Saskatchewan). to graduate stu-
dents, faculty and consultants
The second was by
Dr. Jasmin
in the fall of 2017. His
Colloquium tour provided presenta-
tions to the following Society member
• Feb 16
, Rouyn (UQAT), webcast
to Polytechnique in Montreal
• Sept 12
, Québec (Université La-
val), webcast to Baie Comeau and
• Sept 14
, Halifax (Dalhousie Uni-
• Sept 15
, St. John’s (Memorial
• Sept 18
, Winnipeg (Holiday Inn)
with students from University of
• Sept 19
, Edmonton (Woodvale
facility), webcast in Fort McMur-
ray, Whitehorse and Sudbury
with students from University of
• Sept 20
, Calgary (Austrian Cana-
dian Cultural Center) with students
from University of Calgary
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