Geotechnical News - December 2018 - page 15

Geotechnical News • December 2018
Additionally, funding has been for-
mally written into the CGS Manual
for a travel award of $2,000 to be
provided by the Foundation for each
of two recipients to attend the Interna-
tional Young Geotechnical Engineers
Conference held in conjunction with
the International Conference on Soil
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engi-
neering (from the ISSMGE) every 4
years. The CFG funding will be in
addition to $1,500 provided to these
individuals by the CGS to cover travel
costs. This funding has been provided
by the Foundation in the past, however
it has only recently been formalized.
The Foundation is pleased and hon-
oured to be able to provide funding
for the awards and prizes to recognize
excellence in our profession, and
to encourage younger members to
become active in the Society and to
learn what a great Society it is. If you
know of a worthy recipient for the
Foundation-sponsored awards, please
take the time to become familiar with
the terms of reference (available on
the CGS website) and nominate them.
Call for Nominations for the
CGS Colloquium
Deadline January 31, 2019
Established in 1977, the CGS Col-
loquium is an annual commissioned
presentation and paper. Along with the
honour comes a $5,000 honorarium
provided by
Canadian Founda-
tion for Geotechnique
. It is targeted
towards a younger CGS member to
provide information of particular inter-
est to the geotechnical community on
topics of importance to the Canadian
geotechnical field. A younger CGS
member is typically regarded as being
less than 40 years of age, with prefer-
ence given to candidates 33 to 38
years of age at time of nomination.
Nominations can be made by any
CGS member. The nominations for the
46th CGS Geotechnical Colloquium,
which will be presented at the CGS
conference in Calgary, Alberta in the
fall of 2020, are due by
January 31,
. The selection will be made by
the CGS Geotechnical Research Board
in April 2019, 18 months prior to the
The nomination submission should
-- a nomination letter that introduces
the nominee with his/her main ac-
-- an extended abstract of the pro-
posed talk (approximately 2000
words), including a statement of
the importance of the topic to the
Canadian geotechnical commu-
-- the originality of the nominee’s
contribution, and
-- the nominee’s resume including
practical experience relevant to the
topic and publication record
45th Colloquium
will be pre-
sented at
GeoSt.Johns 2019
St. John’s, NL
Contact CGS National office at
or 1-800-710-9867 for
more information or to send in your
Appel de candidatures pour le
Colloquium de la SCG
Date limite: 31 janvier 2019
Établi en 1977, le Colloquium de la
SCG consiste en une présentation
et un article annuels commandités.
Cet honneur est accompagné d’une
rétribution de 5 000 $ offerte par la
Fondation canadienne de géotech-
nique. Il vise à ce qu’un jeune membre
de la SCG donne de l’information
présentant un intérêt particulier pour
la communauté géotechnique sur des
sujets d’importance pour le domaine
géotechnique canadien. On considère
ici qu’un jeune membre de la SCG est
habituellement considéré comme étant
âgé de moins de 40 ans, avec une pré-
férence pour les candidats âgés de 33 à
38 ans au moment de leur candidature.
Les candidatures peuvent être sou-
mises par tout membre de la SCG. Les
candidatures pour le 46
géotechnique de la SCG, qui sera
présentée à la conférence canadienne
de géotechnique de Calgary, Alberta
à l’automne 2020, doivent être reçues
d’ici le
31 janvier 2019
. La sélection
sera faite par le Conseil de recherche
en géotechnique de la SCG en avril
2018, 18 mois avant la présentation.
Les candidatures doivent comprendre :
-- une lettre de candidature présen-
tant le/la candidat(e) ainsi que ses
-- un
ésumé détaillé de la
conférence proposée (environ
2 000 mots), y compris un énoncé
sur l’importance du sujet pour
la communauté géotechnique
-- l’originalité des contributions du/de
la candidat(e);
-- le curriculum vitae du/de la can-
didat(e) comprenant l’expérience
pratique pertinente au sujet et le
dossier de publication.
sera présenté à la
conférence GéoStJohn’s 2019 par le
Kathy Kalenchuk
St. John’s, NL
Pour obtenir de plus amples renseigne-
ments ou soumettre une candidature,
communiquez avec le siège social de
la SCG à
ou au 1-800-
Upcoming Conferences and
8th International Conference on
Cold Regions Engineering and
the 8th Canadian Permafrost
August 18 - 22, 2019, Québec, QC
The 18th International Conference on
Cold Regions Engineering and the 8th
Canadian Permafrost Conference will
be held at the Quebec City Convention
Centre, in Canada, from August 18th
to 22nd, 2019. Sustainable infrastruc-
ture development and permafrost sci-
ence, in a climate change context, will
be the focus of the discussions at this
international conference.
For more information, visit our web-
site at
or contact us at
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