Geotechnical News • December 2018
of British Columbia. The next Tailings
and Mine Waste Conference hosted
by the University of British Colum-
bia will be held in Vancouver, BC,
November 17-20, 2019.
Finally, the University of Alberta
Geotechnical Centre and Oil Sands
Tailings Research Facility (OSTRF)
held the Sixth International Oil Sands
Tailings Conference (IOSTC ’18)
in Edmonton, AB, in December.
Over 200 delegates representing six
countries attended, including mine
waste managers, engineers, regulators
and researchers. Exhibitors were also
present at the conference to show-
case their technologies and services.
The conference had special keynote
addresses from Dr. Peter Robertson
(Evaluation of flow liquefaction in
tailings and mine waste using the
CPT); Les Sawatsky, Alexander Hynd-
man and Dr. Gord McKenna (Fluid
Fine Tailings Processes – Disposal,
Capping, and Closure Alternatives);
and Dave Corriveau (Canada’s Oil
Sands Innovation Alliance – Lead-
ing Innovation in Oil Sands Tailings).
IOSTC ’18 conference is the premier
platform for oil sands operators,
consultants, regulators and academia
to present and learn about oil sands
tailings management state of practice,
recent technological advancements
and novel research. The presenta-
tions and conference proceedings
highlighted the industry’s extensive
research efforts on topics including
innovations in tailings management
and dewatering technologies, regula-
tory policy and guidelines, mine waste
structure integrity and closure/recla-
mation considerations.
We look forward to the start of a
strong 2019 with many more oppor-
tunities to share stories and news of
innovative work in the field mining
Dr. G. Ward Wilson, Dr. Nicholas
Beier and Dr. Dave Sego
Department of Civil & Environ-
mental Engineering, University of
Alberta 7-207 Innovation Centre for
9211 - 116 Street, Edmonton, AB
Canada T6G 1H9
Tel: 780-492-1436,
Dr. Paul Simms
Department of Civil & Environmen-
tal Engineering, Carleton University,
3432 MacKenzie, 1125 Colonel By
Drive, Ottawa, ON
Canada K1S 5B6
Tel: 613-520-2600 x 2079,
Dr. Bruno Bussière
Institut de recherche en mines et en
environnement (IRME), Université
du Québec en Abitibi-
Témiscamingue, Campus de Rouyn-
Noranda, local E-021
445 Boulevard de l’Universite
Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9X 5E4
Tel: 819-762-0971 x2531,