Geotechnical News - December 2018 - page 27

Geotechnical News • December 2018
From the GS Board
began for an editor to oversee the new
‘online’ edition. After multiple unsuc-
cessful attempts to secure an editor,
the CGS Executive Committee took
on a more active role to facilitate the
update of the
. This involved, in
part, updating the 4
Edition errata, as
noted above, and reviewing the exist-
ing model under which the manual had
previously been developed. Following
this review, and in consultation with
the TAC, the current plan is to develop
a formal call for a project coordinator
to oversee the technical update of the
A parallel effort was also launched by
the CGS Vice President Technical to
provide a digital update of Chapter
8 of the 4
Edition on Limit States
and Limit States Design, and possibly
other chapters, as an addendum(s) in
early 2019. The next ‘online’ update
of the CFEM is currently planned for
completion by 2021.
Concluding Remarks
For more than 40 years, the
Foundation Engineering Manual
has greatly contributed to the field of
foundation engineering in Canada. In
its various editions, the
and the
have highlighted the technical
advances made in the field. Because
continue to be
held in high regard, both nationally
and internationally, they continue to
enhance the status of the Canadian
Geotechnical Society. (Over the many
editions, it is estimated that approxi-
mately 85% of the copies distributed
by BiTech Publishers have gone to
Canadian addresses, and 15% to
international addresses.) It truly has
become an ambassador of the Society.
The various editions of the
have been, and continue to be,
planned, organized, written, reviewed,
updated, revised and translated by
volunteer members of the Society.
CGS members take a great deal of
pride in the manual and the important
part it plays in the
National Build-
ing Code of Canada
, the
Highway Bridge Design Code
and the
continuing development of Canada, in
The author would like to acknowledge
the assistance of the following indi-
viduals in preparing this story. Don
Shields and John Gadsby provided
some of the early history on the sub-
ject. Heinrich Heinz and Steve Bean
of Thurber Engineering, and Bryan
Watts, Alex Sy and Ana Rose Blue
of Klohn Crippen Berger assisted by
lending the author, or providing infor-
mation on, past editions of the
Robert Chapuis, Paul Chiasson, Serge
Leroueil and Jean Lafleur did the
same for past editions of the
Don Scott, Bengt Fellenius, Robert
Chapuis, Peter Lighthall and Dennis
Becker provided information on the
specific editions with which they were
Lynn Pugh (BiTech Publish-
ers) provided information on the num-
ber of copies printed and the pricing
of the various editions. Don Shields,
John Gadsby, Michel Aubertin (Past
President, 2009-2010, and current
CGS Executive Director), Jim Graham
(Past President, 1997-1998, and past
CGS Secretary General, 1999-2006),
Suzanne Powell (past Chair of the
CGS Heritage Committee and current
CGS Vice President Technical) and
Heinrich Heinz (current Chair of the
CGS Heritage Committee) provided
excellent review comments.
The author, however, accepts respon-
sibility for any errors or misinterpre-
tations of facts. If readers have any
additional information, or comments,
on the history of the development
of the
and the
, please
send them to the author at
References for Part 4
Canadian Geotechnical Society
(CGS), 2006,
Canadian Foun-
dation Engineering Manual
, 4
Edition, published by the CGS c/o
BiTech Publishers Ltd., Vancou-
ver, BC, 488 p.
Canadian Standards Association
(CSA), 2000,
Canadian Highway
Bridge Design Code
S6-00, pub-
lished by the CSA, Toronto ON.
National Research Council (NRC),
National Building Code of
, published by the NRC,
Ottawa, ON
Société Canadienne de Géotechnique
(SCG), 2013,
Manuel Canadien
d’Ingénierie des Fondations
, 4e
Édition, published by the CGS c/o
BiTech Publishers Ltd., Vancou-
ver, BC, 488 p.
Doug VanDine, P.Eng,. P.Geo. (BC)
267 Wildwood Avenue,
Victoria, BC, V8S 3W2
250 598 1028
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