Geotechnical News - June 2017 - page 14

Geotechnical News • June 2017
In addition to the CCLT, the Founda-
tion funds scholarships and prizes
given to students and members of the
geotechnical community. The Table
below shows the current and new
value of awards and prizes that the
CFG funds.
The Foundation also funds the strik-
ing of the
Legget Medal
which is
presented annually. The Legget Medal
is the most prestigious award of the
Canadian Geotechnical Society. The
Foundation also funds numerous
plaques and certificates for awards and
New Funding Initiatives
After 2 years of consultations with
CGS executive and CFG members,
the Foundation developed a list of
approximately 15 potential new initia-
tives to consider. The list has been
distilled down to a short list of 3 new
initiatives to fund or further develop
for funding. A brief synopsis of these
initiatives is provided below.
1. The CFG was keen to see if there
was interest in initiating a “Best
Paper” award at the CGS Annual
Conference. After much delibera-
tion, it was decided to settle on the
“Best Case History” theme. The
GeoVancouver 2016 organizing
committee enthusiastically ac-
cepted the challenge to adjudicate
the conference papers and selected
one paper for this new award. The
CFG funds a framed certificate for
the authors, and it is hoped that
Conference organizing committees
will adjudicate the award in the
2. A new graduate student award is
being developed aimed specifically
at Masters level students. Cur-
rently the CFG
Michael Bozozuk
Graduate Student Scholarship
generally awarded to PhD stu-
dents. Making awards at the Mas-
ters level is challenging due to the
shorter duration of the students’
program, and the time for them to
show their skills and to be adjudi-
cated for the award. Consequently,
this may be initiated as a prize,
rather than a scholarship. Details
will be resolved with the Educa-
tion Committee and it is hoped that
an announcement on the initiation
of the award will be made at the
CGS Conference in Ottawa
this fall. The CFG has committed
to funding this award at a level of
$5,000 per year.
3. The CGS executive has initiated
CGS Colloquium Lecture
, which will be co-funded
by the CGS and the CFG. This
involves the Colloquium recipient
visiting various cities (and pos-
sibly having it broadcast to other
locations), similar to the Cross
Canada Lecture Series. The event
is intended to have a particular
focus on engaging students, so it
may be held as a university-based
event (also open to CGS members,
of course), to promote the profes-
sion to potential new members in
the engineering student body. This
will provide an opportunity to both
showcase Canada’s outstanding
young Colloquium recipients as
well as provide an opportunity for
students to interact with members
of the local chapters. It is antici-
pated that the program will start
small, and grow with time
Initiatives de financement
actuelles et futures de la
Fondation canadienne de
La Fondation canadienne de géotech-
nique (FCG) offre du financement
pour de nombreuses activités au
bénéfice de la Société canadienne de
géotechnique (SCG) et à ses membres.
Grâce aux généreux dons de membres
de la SCG, de l’industrie des ser-
vices-conseils en géotechnique, des
sections locales et des divisions de la
SCG ainsi qu’à la gestion prudente de
ces fonds par des membres anciens
et actuels de la Fondation, la FCG
anticipe pouvoir financer de nouvelles
initiatives ainsi qu’augmenter le finan-
cement de certains prix existants.
Prix actuels
Le plus important engagement de
financement de la FCG est la Tour-
née de conférences transcanadiennes
(TCT) qui a lieu deux fois par année;
celles-ci sont entièrement financées
par des commandites d’entreprises
géotechniques. Le budget annuel
total de ces deux évènements est de
20000 $.
En plus de la TCT, la FCG finance des
bourses et prix remis à des étudiants et
membres de la communauté géotech-
nique. Le tableau ci-dessous présente
la valeur actuelle et nouvelle des prix
que la FCG finance.
Prix pour les étudiants
Valeur actuelle Nouvelle valeu
1er prix – Meilleur rapport d’un étudiant
de premier cycle
750,00 $
1 000.00 $
2e prix – Meilleur rapport d’un étudiant
de premier cycle
500,00 $
750,00 $
1er prix – Meilleur rapport d’étudiants
(4) de premier cycle
500,00 $
700,00 $
2e prix – Meilleur rapport d’étudiants (4)
de premier cycle
250,00 $
400,00 $
1er Prix de l’étudiant gradué
1 000,00 $
1 250,00 $
2e Prix de l’étudiant gradué
750,00 $
900,00 $
Colloquium de la SCG
5 000,00 $
5 000.00 $
Bourse nationale pour études supérieures
Michael Bozozuk
5 000,00 $
5 000,00 $
1...,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,...40
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