Geotechnical News - June 2018 - page 9

Geotechnical News • June 2018
Our liaison activities with affiliate
organizations are moving forward
well. In particular, I would like to
thank the following individuals for
their roles and contributions:
rine Mulligan
for serving as the CGS
Representative with the Canadian
Society for Civil Engineers (CSCE);
Baolin Wang
for attending as the
CGS Representative of the conference
planning committee of the Engineer-
ing Institute of Canada (EIC);
Lisa McJunkin
producing CGS’s annual report for the
National Research Council (NRC).
This new important report is required
to receive our annual grant from NRC
to pay CGS membership fees to the
International Society for Soil Mechan-
ics and Geotechnical Engineering
Once again, I would like to use this
forum to thank our CGS volunteers
involved in the Executive, Board,
Sections, Divisions, Committees, and
external representations; acknowl-
edge the extensive contributions
Michel Aubertin
Wayne Gibson
Administration and Finance),
(Director, Communications
and Member Services), and
(Communications Coordina-
tor) for their respective roles with the
CGS National Office.
I must also take the opportunity to
thank our CGS Corporate Spon-
DownUnder Geotechnical;
Geo-Slope International; GKM
Consultants; Golder Associates;
Insitu Contractors; Klohn Crippen
Berger; Knight Piésold Consulting;
Mobile Augers and Research; Naviq
Consulting; Reinforced Earth; Roc-
science; Stantec; Thurber Engineer-
ing; Trek Geotechnical; SoilVision
Systems and Advanced
Construction Techniques.
As I have said in many instances, your
involvement as members is the key to
the success of our Society. So, please
read this magazine, visit our website
) and engage in the
CGS activities. We always welcome
your feedback, so please write to us at
Let me close this message by wish-
ing all of you a fabulous summer,
and I look forward to meeting you at
GeoEdmonton 2018 in September.
Provided by Dharma Wijewickreme
CGS President 2017 - 2018
Message du président
J’ai le plaisir de vous transmettre ce
message alors que nous attendons
avec impatience une autre merveil-
leuse saison estivale qui approche à
grands pas. En tant que président de la
Société canadienne de géotechnique
(SCG), j’ai l’occasion d’observer et
d’apprécier les nombreuses initiatives
et activités ainsi que les nombreux
projets géotechniques réalisés par nos
membres. Les vingt sections locales,
situées dans des régions urbaines
et périphériques distribuées sur six
fuseaux horaires, ont une taille très
variable allant de plusieurs centaines
de membres à un nombre relativement
petit. La situation financière des plus
grandes sections est généralement
solide, alors que certaines de nos plus
petites sections font parfois face à des
difficultés budgétaires. La Société
est consciente de cette réalité et
explore différentes façons d’appuyer
les membres de nos sections plus
petites et de leur offrir des occasions
d’accéder et de participer aux activités
de la SCG. Un exemple qui me vient
à l’esprit à cet égard est celui des frais
de déplacement des conférenciers
visitant ces sections. Ces déplace-
ments peuvent dans certains cas être
Fast. Economical. Calculated.
Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP)
• Evaluates concrete quality inside
and outside of the reinforcing cage
• Accelerates construction with tests
conducted during concrete curing
• Reveals necking, inclusions, bulges,
in concrete cover, shaft shape and
cage alignment
• Effective alternative to older testing
• TIP Reporter software displays soil
profile and reinforcing cage
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