Geotechnical News • June 2018
of geohazards, especially related to
both onshore and offshore pipelines,
as well as traditional geotechnical
and geo-environmental areas. Alex is
also a member of the Federal Govern-
ment’s Canada Task Force-1 Heavy
Search and Rescue team, responding
to landslides and other disasters in
times of need, including this past sum-
mer’s landslide near Salmon Arm, BC.
The Canadian Geotechnical Soci-
ety is pleased to recognize
Dr. Alex
with a
2017 A.G. Stermac
Service Award
2017 CGS Awards -
Stermac Award Winners
Andrea Lougheed and Mustapha
Andrea Lougheed
, co-chairs of GeoVancouver
2016 were both recipients of CGS’s
2017 Stermac Award
. Their cita-
tion from the October 2017 award
ceremony reads: “This year
Mustapha Zergoun
are being honoured for their dedica-
tion and outstanding service to the
Canadian Geotechnical Society.
Andrea currently serves as the CGS
Director for the Vancouver Section
and Mustapha served in that role from
2006 to 2008.
Most recently, they co-chaired and
acted as the driving force on the local
organizing committee for the very suc-
cessful 2016 Canadian Geotechnical
Conference –
GeoVancouver 2016
The conference’s theme “History
and Innovation”, recognized histori-
cal achievements and lessons learned
while highlighting innovation in the
field of geotechnique.
Attracting over 800 registrants,
attendees were treated to west coast
hospitality and to one of the great
CGS annual conferences, punctuated
by the inaugural awards for Best Case
History paper and Best Student paper.
Leadership and volunteer activities
and duties aside, both Andrea and
Mustapha are busy working in Van-
couver at BGC and Thurber Engineer-
ing, respectively, and can now add the
Canadian Geotechnical Society’s
A.G. Stermac Award
to their impres-
sive list of accomplishments.”
Upcoming Conferences and
71st Canadian Geotechnical
Conference and the
13th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC
Groundwater Conference
September 23 to 26, 2018,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Geotechnical Society of
Edmonton (GSE)
and the
Geotechnical Society (CGS
) in col-
laboration with the Canadian National
Chapter of the Inter
national Associa-
tion of Hydrogeologists (IAH-CNC)
invite you to
GeoEdmonton 2018
, the
71st Canadian Geotechnical Confer-
ence and the 13th Joint CGS/IAH-
CNC Groundwater Conference. The
conference will be held at the Shaw
Conference Centre in Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada from
Sunday, Sep-
tember 23
Wednesday, September
26, 2018
. This spectacular facility is
one of Canada’s premier conference
venues and is itself a geotechnical
achievement, being constructed on the
flank of an active landslide overlook-
ing Edmonton’s beautiful river valley
in the heart of downtown.
Edmonton was founded on the banks
of the North Saskatchewan River and
served as a Hudson’s Bay Company
trading outpost that grew to become
Canada’s Gateway to the North and is
Alberta’s Capital City. With a metro
population of over 1.3 million people,
Edmonton has an open and welcom-
ing atmosphere. Also known as the
Festival City, Edmonton showcases
its local and international talent and
diversity through various festivals like
its annual Heritage Festival and the
second largest Fringe Theatre Festival
in the world. Boasting the longest
stretch of connected urban parkland
in North America and just steps from
the conference venue, Edmonton is
also a wonderful place to enjoy nature
without leaving the city’s limits.
The theme for GeoEdmonton 2018
Transportation Géotechnique -
Moving Forward
. Much of Canada’s
prosperity is founded on its vast
network of railways, pipelines, high-
ways, and waterways. This conference
intends to highlight recent achieve-
ments in transportation development
and their associated geohazards. The
technical program will cover a wide
range of geotechnical and hydrogeo-
logical topics, including specialty
sessions that are of local and national
relevance. In addition to the techni-
cal program and plenary sessions, the
conference will include a complement
of distinguished keynote speakers,
five high calibre short courses, social
events, and technical tours. The offi-
cial languages for the conference will
be English and French.
For the latest information about the
conference, please visit the conference
website at
See you in Edmonton!