Geotechnical News • June 2018
That’s one of my mantras. Things may
be bad now, but it will get better, don’t
worry. Just wait a little bit and it will
get better.
Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime
Achievement Award
Presented by Marquis Who’s
Who to John Clague, Ph.D.
Marquis Who’s Who, a publisher of
biographical profiles, presented
Clague, Ph.D
., with the
Albert Nel-
son Marquis Lifetime Achievement
An accomplished listee, Dr.
Clague celebrates many years’ experi-
ence in his professional network, and
has been noted for achievements,
leadership qualities, and the creden-
tials and successes that he has accrued
in his field. As in all Marquis Who’s
Who biographical volumes, individu-
als profiled are selected on the basis of
current reference value. Factors such
as position, noteworthy accomplish-
ments, visibility, and prominence in a
field are all taken into account during
the selection process.
With 45 years of professional expe-
rience to his credit, Dr. Clague has
been an emeritus research professor at
Simon Fraser University since 2016.
Prior to this appointment, and from
1998 to 2016, he was the Gordon M.
Shrum Professor in the Department
of Earth Sciences at Simon Fraser
University. He was the President of
Engineers and Geoscientists BC from
2014 to 2015. Dr. Clague began his
career as a research scientist with
the Geological Survey of Canada in
the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural
Resources Canada, a position he held
from 1973 to 1998.
Before embarking on his professional
career, Dr. Clague was educated at
Occidental College, earning a Bache-
lor of Arts, magna cum laude, in 1967.
He received a Master of Arts degree in
geology from the University of Cali-
fornia, Berkeley, in 1969. Dr. Clague
concluded his studies at the University
of British Columbia, graduating with a
Doctor of Philosophy degree in geol-
ogy in 1973.
Dr. Clague has contributed to numer-
ous endeavors both within and outside
of his professional circle. He has been
the president of the Canadian Geomor-
phology Research Group, the Interna-
tional Union for Quaternary Research
and the Canadian Geoscience Educa-
tion Network. Additionally, Dr. Clague
was the Canada Research Chair in
Natural Hazards Research at Simon
Fraser University from 2003 to 2016,
and chair of the Engineers and Geosci-
entists BC Foundation since 2017.
An author of hundreds of earth sci-
ence journal papers, reports and
monographs, Dr. Clague has also
been a guest on CBC Newsworld,
CBC Radio, and CTV. His work has
been featured in such newspapers and
magazines as the Vancouver Sun, the
Times-Colonist, Equinox Magazine,
Westside News and the Westerly
News, and in a documentary produced
by The Discovery Channel in 1997.
Dr. Clague was the former editor-
in-chief of the Canadian Journal of
Earth Sciences, the author of “Van-
couver, City on the Edge” co-author
of three editions of the textbook
“Natural Hazards,” and the co-author
of “Destructive Mass Movements in
High Mountains”.
In light of his exceptional achieve-
ments, Dr. Clague has accrued several
accolades and honors throughout his
impressive career. He was presented
with the Bancroft Award from the
Royal Society of Canada in 2002, the
Christopher J. Westerman Memorial
Award from Engineers and Geoscien-
tists BC in 1999, the W.A. Johnston
Medal from the Canadian Quaternary
Association in 1995, and the E.B.
Burwell Junior Memorial Award from
the Geological Society of America,
Inc., in 1988. He received an honor-
ary doctorate from the University
of Waterloo in 2017, and was also
awarded the Logan Medal from the
Geological Association of Canada, the
most prestigious award of that associa-
tion. A fellow of the Royal Society of
Canada, Dr. Clague has been listed
in multiple editions of Who’s Who in
Science and Engineering and Who’s
Who in the World.
In recognition of outstanding contribu-
tions to his profession and the Marquis
Who’s Who community, Dr. Clague
has been featured on the Albert Nelson
Marquis Lifetime Achievement web-
site. Please visit
for more information about this honor.
2017 CGS Award Winners
In this issue of Geotechnical News, we
again feature more 2017 CGS award
recipients. In this issue, we highlight
Mike Wei
Dr. Arvid Landva
Ming Cai
Alex Baumgard
Mustapha Zergoun
2017 CGS Awards -
Robert N. Farvolden Award
Mike Wei
Mike Wei
of the BC Ministry of Envi-
ronment, was presented with the 2017
Robert N Farvolden Award. This joint
CGS/IAH-CNC award was established
in 2000 and is named to honour Dr.
Farvolden (1928-1995) who is cred-
ited with beginning the modern era of
hydrogeology in Canada in the 1960s.
Mike’s citation reads: “BC profes-
sional engineer
Mike Wei
is a world
class leader in the development of
science-based policy and regulation
concerning the protection of ground-
water resources. As Head of Aquifer
and Watershed Science at the BC
Ministry of Environment, Mike has
been the provincial government expert
in developing and implementing the
long-awaited Groundwater Protection
Regulation, as well as the new Water
Sustainability Act and Water Sustain-
ability Regulation. He has helped to
develop BC’s groundwater science
knowledge through careful scientific
studies spanning groundwater devel-
opment through contamination.
His technical contributions have
included the development of numerous
groundwater protection tools like the
BC Aquifer Classification System and
the Well Protection Toolkit, which are