Geotechnical News - December 2015 - page 23

Geotechnical News • December 2015
build up GC funds. Initial response
was strong, with about $60,000 raised
by 2000. The number of donors was
small, however, and many people felt
that the name “Geo-Contributions”
should be changed to something that
more obviously suggested the promo-
tion of the geotechnical community.
The photo below shows the presidents
of Geo Contributions from its incep-
tion in 1989 to 2000, when its name
was changed to the Canadian Foun-
dation for Geotechnique (CFG). In
addition to these individuals, and to
Drs. Benson and Clark, GC Officers
who worked hard through this difficult
period to continue to “recognize and
foster excellence in the geotechni-
cal field in Canada” included
(Vice President, 2000),
R.P. Northwood
(Treasurer, 1989-
Ms. E. Partsis
Ms. A. S. Poschmann
(Secretary, 1989-1997) and
Mr. A.J.
(Secretary, 1999-2000).
This is the first article of a two-part
series. It is based on an article pre-
pared by Dr. Michael Bozozuk and
originally published in Geotechnical
News in December 2007. The original
article was edited by Drs. Heinrich
Heinz and Dennis Becker to fit CGS
News Publication requirements.
Don Lewycky, P.Eng.
Director of Engineering Services,
City of Edmonton
11004 – 190 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5S 0G9
Tel.: 780-496-6773
Fax: 780-944-7653
2015 R.F. Legget Medal Award - le médaillé R.F. Legget 2015
Awarded to Jacques Locat
Introduction of 2015 R.F. Legget
Medal Winner
by Professor Serge Leroueil -
Université Laval
Jacques est un collègue depuis bientôt
35 ans, un proche collaborateur et un
ami. C’est donc un immense plaisir
pour moi de vous le présenter.
Jacques is a colleague, a close col-
laborator and a friend. It is thus a huge
pleasure for me to introduce him.
Avec un baccalauréat en géologie
de l’Université du Québec à Mon-
tréal, une maîtrise en quaternaire de
l’Université de Waterloo, et un doc-
torat en géotechnique de l’Université
de Sherbrooke, Jacques s’est donné les
outils qui allaient façonner sa carrière,
à cheval sur la géologie et la géotech-
His academic carrier started at Uni-
versité Laval, in Quebec City in 1981,
with his main research focus on soft
sediments, submarine mass move-
ments and their consequences. For
example, he recently characterised the
earthquake which struck the Province
of Quebec in 1663, on the basis of
landslides that occurred at that time.
Ses principales recherches ont porté
sur les sédiments récents et sur les
mouvements de terrain et leurs con-
séquences. Dans ses travaux, il a tou-
jours su mettre en œuvre les dernières
technologies, ce qui nous a valu, entre
autres, de magnifiques photos d’argiles
au microscope à balayage et d’images
de fonds marins.
In addition, Jacques is a real leader in
the profession. In 2003, he initiated
a series of conferences focusing on
Presidents of Geo-Contributions: Mr. J.L. Seychuk (1989-90), Dr. T.C. Kenny
(1991-92), Mr. M. Devata (1993-98); Dr. M. Bozozuk (1999-2000).
Serge Leroueil Introducing 2015
Legget Award Winner, Jacques Locat
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