La Société canadienne
de géotechnique
The Canadian
Geotechnical Society
La Société canadienne de géotechnique
The Canadian Geotechnical Society
La Société
canadienne de

Conférences, références, etc.

The current holdings of this virtual library include

(2013) Archives in Geotechnical Engineering Practice
Paper by M.A.B. Shelbourn and M.A.J. (Fred) Matich from the 66th CGS Annual Geotechnical Conference in Montreal in 2013 discusses the merits of maintaining good archives and provides some case examples.

(2010) "Top 10" heritage geotechnical papers from British Columbia
Personal selections by Mustapha Zergoun, made in 2010, and includes papers, published between 1967 and 2004.

(2000) Bibliography, Canadian Subaerial Channelized Debris Flows
66-page bibliography, prepared by Doug VanDine in 2000, presents documents alphabetically, by topic, and by geographic region in Canada,

(1993) Bilingual Glossary of Landslide Terms
Glossary in French and English, prepared for the International Geotechnical Societies' UNESCO Working Party for the World Landslide Inventory. It was developed by the Landslides Committee of the Canadian Geotechnical Society and was published by BiTech Publishers in 1993. It is provided by of David Cruden, University of Alberta.

(1991) "Engineering Judgment" - Ralph B. Peck
36-minute video lecture by Ralph B. Peck, with introductions by Norbert R. Morgenstern, produced in 1991 by International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, and presented with the support of BiTech Publishers, Vancouver.

(1953-2001) Recommended reading for projects on Champlain Sea (Leda) clay
Listing of important papers on the behaviour and performance of Champlain Sea clay, between 1953 and 2001, prepared by Sai Vanapalli and Siva Sivathayalan, Carleton University.

(various) Available to CGS members, through the Members Section of the CGS website, are the following documents and videos: