Geotechnical News - December 2015 - page 38

Geotechnical News • December 2015
Paolo Gazzarrini
41st episode of the Grout Line and for
this issue an article (the first part of
two) related, again, to the GIN (Grout-
ing Intensity Number) method for rock
I received, few weeks ago, a long
article written by Clif Kettle, Techni-
cal Manager of Bachy Soletanche
Ltd., Burscough, Lancashire, UK,(
) and Maren
Katterbach, Project Engineer, Lom-
bardi Engineering Ltd., Minusio,
. The article was related
to the contractor point of view of the
use of this grouting philosophy and
it was divided in two parts; part one,
refreshing about the basis of the GIN
grouting method and procedures,
mainly in the practical application, the
second related to several grouting case
histories. Considering the length of the
article, I am publishing it in two parts,
as the article was received.
A preliminary comment of mine for
my 25 readers. This grouting method/
theory/procedure/philosophy has been
object of several controversies (also
in this Grout Line a few years ago),
discussions and, maybe, wrong inter-
pretations/applications in the past and
Dr. Lombardi tried to re-explain and
clarify his concepts also from these
With time, nearly 30 years, the GIN
method has evolved in the field and
these two articles are giving us a Euro-
pean Contractor/Engineer perspective
that, in my opinion, helps enormously
to clarify the essence and the advan-
tages of this grouting method.
At the end of this first part of the
article I have added some comments
of mine related, again, to the differ-
ences between North American and
European approaches.
Enjoy your reading and stay tuned for
the March 2016 issue with the second
part with a few case histories!
• A couple of housekeeping items:
The first is related to the G-I
(ASCE/Geo-Institute) Grouting
Committee that is organizing the
International Grouting Confer-
ence for July 2017 in Honolulu,
Hawaii. For this, please, get ready
to prepare papers and to attend.
Further information will follow.
Again, stay tuned!
• The second is about, again, the
GI-Grouting Committee and its
web page. A new webpage, was
launched a few weeks ago by the
G-I, and inside you can find the
web page of our Committee. Up-
dated scheduling, news, minutes of
meetings etc, are available there.
Every grouter is encouraged to
visit and, why not, comment.
And new active members are
already welcome!
• The third item is related to the
Grout Line web page
. Since a few weeks ago,
login is required in order to access
the articles. It is a very simple
operation, but necessary so I can
keep track of my 25 readers.
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