About the Education Committee
The mandate of the Education Committee is to identify and address issues and problems concerning all aspects of the continuing education of society members. The Education Committee is also concerned with the involvement of students in the Society, as well as the geotechnical education at Canadian universities.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Education Committee consists of the following members:
Cheng Lin
University of Victoria
Vice Chair
Ashutosh Sutra Dhar
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Past Chair
Pooneh Maghoul
Polytechnique Montréal
Owen Jiang
Webinar Series: Future of Geotechnical Education at the University Level
Past webinars can be found here.
Following the successful GEOpardy! event sponsored by Golder Associates at the Pan-Am Conference in 2011 and the annual CGS conferences since, the committee will work with WSP to continue this event for the 2023 conference in Saskatoon.