La Société canadienne
de géotechnique
The Canadian
Geotechnical Society
La Société canadienne de géotechnique
The Canadian Geotechnical Society
The Canadian
Awards & Competitions
The Canadian Geotechnical Society holds annual student competitions to recognize excellence among undergraduate and graduate engineering students at Canadian universities. The competitions and resulting awards are managed through the Society's Education Committee and funded through the generous support of the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique.

Student Competitions

Undergraduate Report Award - Individual Submission and Undergraduate Report Award - Group Submission
The purpose of these awards is to foster undergraduate students' skills in solving open-ended geotechnical design problems, and in preparing formal technical reports. The award in the Group Effort category has the further purpose of fostering teamwork skills. The awards are assessed based on the written report (e.g. thesis, geotechnical design report, term project).

Graduate Student Presentation Award
The purpose of the award is to encourage graduate students to make formal technical presentations to peer and professional audiences. The award is assessed on the basis of a videotaped presentation of maximum 15 minutes duration, recorded before a live technical audience. A question-and-answer period following the presentation must also be recorded.

2025 Competition Details and Timeline
A call for participation in the 2025 CGS Student Competitions has been sent to all Canadian universities! Nominations are due May 16, 2025.


Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique Michael Bozozuk National Graduate Scholarship

The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique National Graduate Scholarship, valued at $5,000(CAD), was established by the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique in 2007 on the occasion of the 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. Please see the “Reports/Documents” section for details on this award.


The Dennis Becker Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique M.Sc. Student Award

The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique is offering a $5,000(CAD) award to a full-time post-graduate student at a master’s level attending a Canadian university whose research focus is directly related to the field of geotechnique. The award is granted primarily based on academic excellence, the purpose and relevance of the research project to the practice of geotechnique, and the quality of the research summary. Please see the “Reports/Documents” section for details on this award.


CGS Early Achievement Award

The Early Achievement Award is intended to recognize outstanding accomplishments provided by members in the early years of their career. It focuses on the excellence of technical realizations and contribution to practice/industry and the services provided to CGS and the profession from a young professional.

For further information, selection criteria, and nomination requirements, please click here.

Student Award Winners at the 2019 CGS Awards Banquet, during GeoSt.John's 2019

Reports / Documents
CFG and CGS Student Awards Application Form
CFG and CGS Student Competition_EN
CFG and CGS Student Competition_FR