About the Kingston Section
Formal Name: Kingston Section
Primary Centre: Kingston, ON
Approximate Catchment Area: Southeast-central Ontario
The CGS Kingston Section has active members from across South-Eastern Ontario, particularly from Kingston and surrounding areas. The section's executive committee has been intermittently active during this period, organizing a tour of the geology of the Kingston area in the fall, a graduate student paper competition (together with the Ottawa Geotechnical Group), and a noon-hour speaker in March, followed by a presentation of the CCLT by Don Hayley in April. The section helps to promote a regular speaker series hosted by our sponsor, the Queen's-RMC Centre for Geo-Engineering.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Kingston Section consists of the following members:
Chair/Treasurer/CGS Section Director
E. Maria Skordaki
Royal Military College of Canada
Past Chair
Dylan Hill
Malroz Engineering
David Hodgson
Malroz Engineering
Member at Large
Brad Forbes
BGC Engineering
Member at Large
Martin Burger
Groundwork Engineering
Member at Large
Nicholas Vlachopoulos
Royal Military College of Canada