The Spring 2025 Cross Canada Lecture Tour will feature Jason DeJong of the University of California, Davis. Jason's tour will consist of two legs: East & West, kicking off at the end of March!
Trip #1: March 31 - April 3, 2025
March 31: Toronto, ON
April 1: Kingston, ON
April 2: Montreal, QC<
... [read more]The CGS Fall Cross Canada Lecture Tour will feature Jocelyn Hayley of the University of Calgary. Jocelyn’s tour will consist of four legs: Maritimes, East, West, and Alberta & The North, kicking off at the beginning of October!
Trip #1: October 1 - 3, 2024
October 1: St. John's, NL
October 2: Halifax, NS
October 3: Fredericton, NB<
... [read more]Nominations for the Pan-American Bright Spark Lectures on Unsaturated Soils.
Deadline for nomination is 30 September 2024. Nominations from Canadian members may only be submitted by members of TC106 (Canadian TC106 members are Prof. D.G. Fredlund and Prof. Sai Vanapalli).
Submit the necessary documentation to by 28th August 2024 to make a
... [read more]Please click here or see below for the CGS Divisions and Committees meeting at GeoSaskatoon 2023
The CGS Fall Cross Canada Lecture Tour featuring Hesham El Naggar has begun! There will be two legs of the 2023 Fall CCLT, with the first week consisting of presentations in the East, and the second week in the West. The CCLT is made possible each year by the support of the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique.
Trip #1: September 18-21, 2023
Monday, September 18: F
... [read more]Greetings Fellow CGS Members,
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, I would like to extend a cordial invitation for you to attend the 76th Annual Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) Conference to be held in Saskatoon, the “City of Bridges”, from October 1st to 4th, 2023. This year, we have partnered with the International Association of Hydrogeologists-Canadian National Chapter (IAH-NAC) and the Internati
... [read more]It is both humbling and gratifying to be selected by the Nominating Committee of the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) for consideration as our Society’s next President. I accept this nomination and if elected, will work to serve the Society as President-elect during 2024, and for a two-year term as President commencing January 2025.
I was first exposed to
... [read more]The CGS Spring Cross Canada Lecture Tour featuring Steven Kramer is kicking off soon! There will be two legs of the 2023 Spring CCLT, with the first week consisting of presentations in the West, and the second week in the East. The CCLT is made possible each year by the support of the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique, via donations from the sponsoring companies
Trip #1: May 1-5, 2023
... [read more]Saskatoon and the University of Saskatchewan have a rich history in geotechnical engineering. To grow the level of undergraduate student involvement in the geotechnical community, the University of Saskatchewan Canadian Geotechnical Society Student Chapter (USCGS) has been proudly operating since 2019. The USCGS hosts a variety of engagement events, including industry-led guest lectures and their keynote GeoWall Social, to boost interest in the geotechnical field — promoting equal learn
... [read more]To celebrate the 50th anniversary of CGS in 2022, the Executive Committee and Membership Committee introduced additional incentives to invite new geo-professionals to join the Society. We are happy to announce the CGS is continuing this initiative for 2023. Any current member who refers a new member to sign up for the CGS will receive a $50 gift certificate. Follow these simple steps below to receive your gift certificate, and contribute to the growth of our Society:
<... [read more]
International Women in Engineering Day occurs on June 23rd where the work and achievements of women engineers is celebrated. It was initially launched in the United Kingdom by the Women’s Engineering Society as a national initiative. In its nineth year, it has grown to have global reach and UNESCO patronage. The Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) joins industry professionals in celebrating this event.
[read more]
Spring 2022 Cross Canada Lecture Tour – Doug Stead - June 2022
The CGS is very excited to host the Spring 2022 Cross Canada Lecture Tour, featuring Doug Stead of Simon Fraser University! The Spring 2022 CCLT begins Monday, June 13 in Fredericton, NB, and ends Wednesday, July 20 in Prince George, BC. Doug will present Characterizing slope failure mechanisms using combined remote sensing and numerical modelling in all eleven stops of this season’s CCLT.
Doug Stead is currently a Fe
... [read more]The CGS is a Cooperating Organization of the Geoprofessional Business Association's Spring Conference! The conference will take place April 7-9, 2022 in San Diego, California
[read more]
The First CGS National Online Geotechnical Lecture: Doug Stead - October 2021
The Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) cordially invites you to the First National Online Geotechnical Lecture, featuring Doug Stead of Simon Fraser University.
Lecture Topic: Applications of Mixed and Virtual Reality in Engineering Geology
Invited Speaker: Doug Stead, Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada
Date: Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021
Time: 6:00 pm - 7
... [read more]The Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (, of which CGS is a member, recently licensed Geologize’s courses, 'Practical Geocommunication' and 'Geoscience Outreach in Schools'. Geologize teaches geoscientists to bring the public to a greater understanding and appreciation of our planet through effective and powerful communication. With falling public engagement, we believe this effort is crucial.
... [read more]On June 17th, we held our first ever Virtual Townhall! Members of the Executive Committee talked about what their roles are and their goals for their terms. Some members from the Membership Committee joined the panel and attendees were able to ask them questions directly. Some of the topics discussed were the continuation of webinars in a post-COVID era, how undergraduate students can get involved, and the status of the revised Canadian Foundation Engineering Ma
... [read more]International Women in Engineering Day occurs on June 23rd where the work and achievements of women engineers is celebrated. It was initially launched in the United Kingdom by the Women’s Engineering Society as a national initiative. In its eighth year, it has grown to have global reach and UNESCO patronage. The Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) joins industry professionals in celebrating this event.
... [read more]The CGS Executive Committee, in collaboration with the CGS Membership Committee, is planning a virtual Townhall for June 17, 2021 at 12pm PST; it will be a one-hour session on the Remo platform, which also allows for mingling in smaller groups.
The program for the session will be as follows:
There are still plenty of sponsorship opportunities available at the Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels that include complimentary registrations, as well as conference luncheons, evening events, and more. Refer to the conference sponsor and exhibitor package and contact us at [read more]
7iYGEGC Travel Award - September 2020
The CGS is currently accepting nominations for the 7iYGEGC Travel Award. The CGS and the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique will sponsor two distinguished “young geotechnical engineers” to attend the 7th International Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference (7iYGEGC) in Sydney, Australia in September 2021. Travel and registration cost, up to $3,500 for each individual, w
... [read more]The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique (CFG) website now provides the opportunity to donate through CanadaHelps. The CFG provides funding for many of the CGS's awards and scholarships awarded each year.
In collaboration with multiple local sections across Canada, the CGS is presenting a webinar series starting next week! Details for each presentation and registration are available below:
May 21 at 12:00 (EDT) – Collaboration with Southern Ontario (Toronto) Section
Lessons Learned as A Trenchless Litigation Expert and Designer
Mark Knight, Associate Professor, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering,
... [read more]The Australian Geomechanics Society is hosting the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering in Sydney, Australia, September 12-17, 2021. The abstract submission deadline has been extended from April 30 to May 31, 2020. Full details are available at
The CGS supports the efforts of the Canadian Federal and Provincial authorities to limit the pandemic progression. The spring 2020 Cross Canada Lecture Tour (CCLT) will be rescheduled at a later date. We will continue to carefully monitor the situation via the Canadian public health authorities. We thank you all for your patience, understanding and collaboration during these special times.
The Early Bird deadline will expire on March 1! “Toward synergy at site characterisation” 7-11 September, 2020
Mario Ruel, CGS President, and Sterling Parsons, GeoSt.John's 2019 Conference Chair, were featured on CBC NL's Here & Now during the 72nd Annual CGS Conference. Here & Now NL - Newfoundland and Labrador covers local news and weather with host Anthony Germain. Mario and Sterling discuss with Anthony the mission of the CGS, the purpose of GeoSt.John's 2019 and our annual conferences, and the hard work and organization t
... [read more]December 6, 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the shooting tragedy at École Polytechnique in Montréal. There will be various events in memoriam at the university, elsewhere in Montreal, and across Canada. A book Ce jour-là - parce qu'elles étaient des femmes, written by Josée Boileau, will be published on December 6; it will contain photos, descriptions, and testimonials. A gathering will be held in Mont-Royal, QC at 5 pm on December 6, where 1
... [read more]CGS President, Mario Ruel, has extended a warm welcome to all delegates arriving in St. John's for GeoSt.John's 2019 this weekend!
Click here to watch the video.
We would like to inform you that registration for the 18th International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering and the 8th Canadian Permafrost Conference is now open! This conference will be held from August 18th to 22th 2019, in the historical city of Quebec! Please contact us at for a special member code. CG
... [read more]The registration for the 6th Canadian Young Geotechnical Engineers & Geoscientists Conference will close on July 1st, 2019. To register and get more detail about the event, please visit the conference website at Hurry up, there’s only a few spots left ! The cYGEGC is an event held every three years that gathers students and young professionals under 35 years old from across Canada and beyond.
The University of British Columbia (Vancouver) has a master's degree program that may be of interest to many of our members:
The 12-month UBC Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) is designed for practising professionals who want to gain a competitive advantage. With its unique combination of graduate-level UBC Faculty of Applied Science courses and UBC Sauder
... [read more]It is time to think about nominating a deserving colleague for a CGS award this year. They are due May 15 to the national office If you have questions about the process, please contact the National Office or refer to
The Canadian Geotechnical Society would like to improve your membership experience. Please take a few minutes (really!) to fill out this very short survey:
The deadline to apply for the Farvolden Award has been moved ahead for 2019. Nominations must be received by March 1st, 2019 so that the recipient can be announced at the GAC-MAC-IAH meeting in Québec City in May as well as at the annual CGS conference GeoSt.John's 2019.
The Canadian Young Geotechnical Engineers and Geoscientists Conference (cYGEGC) is an event held every three years that gathers students and young professionals from across Canada and beyond. The conference focuses on providing an opportunity to young professionals and students with geotechnical and geosciences backgrounds to meet their peers, exchange technical knowledge and interact with experts in a relaxed environment. Go to
... [read more]Our colleague and CGS member, Jean Hutchinson from Queen’s University, is the recipient of the 20th Glossop Medal Lecture, which will be delivered on 13 November 2019.
Planning for GeoSt.John’s 2019 is well underway with the venue booked and the local organizing committee (LOC) hard at work. Running from September 29 to October 2, 2019, the 72nd CGS Annual Conference promises to be a spectacular event in picturesque St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
The 2019 conference website is now fully operational and is accepting
... [read more]The Robert Schuster Medal is a joint award shared between the CGS (Geohazards Committee and Engineering Geology Division) and the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG). This award honours CGS and AEG member, Dr. Robert Schuster (b 1927), who has had a distinguished career, primarily related to geohazards.
The medal recognizes outstanding contributions to geohazards research, teaching and/or professional practice in North America. The award is typically awarde
... [read more]Most regrettably, the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) has learned of the passing of Dr. Owen White. Owen was a long time CGS member and founded the CGS Engineering Geology Division in the early 1970s. In 2006, he was recognized by the Society for his tremendous contribution to the profession, in particular engineering geology, by being awarded the R.F. Legget Medal. Among many other contributions to the profession, Owen served as President of the International Associatio
... [read more]With deep sadness the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) has learned of the passing of Mr. Gordon McRostie, our first and only Honorary Life member. CGS has recognized Gordon as a person who exemplified a life-long contribution and dedication to the Canadian Geotechnical Society and to the geotechnical profession in Canada. Our membership knows him well as the dedicated CGS volunteer who attended 68 of the 70 CGS annual conferences, including the 1st Annual Conference in 1947.
... [read more]It is that time of year again, where we are looking to CGS members for award nominations of their deserving colleagues. See for more information about the different categories and their descriptions.
Catherine Mulligan, chair of the CGS geoenvironmental division from 2006-2010, vice president of communications from 2013-2016, and A.G. Stermac Award-winner in 2010, was featured in a book that the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) published called Women of Innovation: The Impact of Leading Engineers in Canada. The book details the stories of 20 inspiring women engineers in Canada who have overcome obstacles and excelled in their fields. Over the next seve
... [read more]as given to the the Geotechnical Division of the HKIE
Resources for Future Generations 2018 is a collaborative, ambitious event that seeks to highlight business, science, and policy. The event will bring together attendees from industry, government, and academia as well as Indigenous peoples, and local communities to discuss some of the most pressing challenges concerning resources and related sustainability issues. The conference will cover many aspects of earth science that underpin our understanding of resources, focused
... [read more]We are happy to recognize and congratulate our CGS member, Serge Leroueil, who was awarded with the Senate 150th Anniversary Medal, for the bulk of his work on sensitive clays. This acheivement made Serge the « Laureat of this week » in Quebec City by Radio-Canada and Le Soleil news paper.
... [read more]Congratulations to our longtime member, R. Kerry Rowe, for being named as an Officer within the Order of Canada!
The Engineering Institute of Canada has announced the winning recipients of its 2018 senior engineering awards and fellowship inductees. The Canadian Geotechnical Society is very proud of the following members that have received recognition from EIC for their exceptional contributions to engineering in Canada:
K.Y. LO Medal For significant engineering contributions at the international level is awarded to Delwyn G. Fredlund.
... [read more]Resources for Future Generations 2018 is inviting people to put together a short video sharing how they’re creating change through research, innovation, and/or action. This can be from things you do to live a more sustainable life at home, right up to research and work you may be doing that is contributing to a more sustainable future.
Contestants are entered for a chance to win $500 + a complimentary registration to RFG 2018. If you are interest
The contest runs from August 1st to 31st.
To learn more about the contest, you can read all the details at the Canadian Science Publishing Blog:
Follow these Twitter accounts for conference updates, deadlines, and more!
Canadian Geotechnical Society / GeoOttawa 2017: @CanadianGeotech
PBD-III 2017 Vancouver: @PBDIII2017
RFG 2018: @RFG2018
Geohazards 7: [read more]
Congratulations to Michel Aubertin - April 2017
Congratulations to Michel Aubertin, CGS Executive Director, for his nomination as professor emeritus of Polytechnique Montréal. His exceptional achievements to research and teaching have contributed to transforming the practices of the mining industry, especially in terms of tailings management.
The GEESDV 2018 Call for Abstracts ends May 24, 2017! For more details, and to access the abstract submission system, visit the official conference website here.
This is the 5th conference on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, hosted by the Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Technical Committee of the Geo-Institute (G-I) of the American Society o
... [read more]Submit your nominations for the 2017 CGS Awards by May 15!
Each year the CGS recognizes the considerable contributions and achievements of geotechnical professionals in Canada and abroad. This year’s honours will be presented at the Awards Banquet during GeoOttawa 2017. To view full nomination details, please see the PDF below. Further information on all CGS Awards, including past recipients, is available [read more]
RFG 2018 - Call for Sessions - March 2017
The RFG 2018 Call for Sessions ends May 1, 2017! For more details, click here to view the latest newsletter, or click here to visit the official conference website.
The #RFG2018 Conference will be a pivotal event for the many organizations, individuals and communities, all working to understand
This year, because it’s Canada's 150th birthday and the 70th anniversary of the CGS, we are compiling a list of Canadian Geotechnical Achievements from any period of Canadian or pre-Canadian history. Please submit any and all suggestions ‐ as many as you would like ‐ to Lisa McJunkin at the CGS National Office. The submission deadline has been extended to March 31, 2017. A number of the submitted
... [read more]See the Geoenvironmental Division's page to view the ISSMGE TC215 Update. The Update is posted under Latest News Reports/Documents and includes details on both past and upcoming events in the field of Environmental Geotechnics.
... [read more]
CGS Past President (2001-2002), Kerry Rowe, Queen's University, will be giving the 2017 ASCE Terzaghi Lecture on March 14, at the ASCE-GI (Geotechnical Frontiers 2017) in Orlando, Florida.
Natural disasters are expected to increase as climate change pushes global temperatures higher, and some scientists believe [read more]
Iraq's Mosul Dam could collapse at any minute 'killing a million people' - January 2017
Iraq's biggest dam could collapse without warning and kill up to a million people, the engineers involved in building it have urgently warned.
There are grave concerns the dam could collapse in the near future as winter snow melt puts the already impaired structure under even greater strain.
“The dam is in a very dangerous situation now,” Dr Nasrat Adamo, the dam's former chief engineer, told the Independent.
For more information, cl
... [read more]Look to the second article for one of the Canadian Science Publishing, Editor's Choice articles this month, “Improved image-based deformation measurement for geotechnical applications” by S.A. Stanier, J. Blaber, W.A. Take, and D.J. White [read more]
Registration for cYGEGC 2016 is now open! - April 2016
Registration for cYGEGC 2016 is now open!
Visit the "Registration" tab on our website for details cYGEGC 16
Check out this update from Canadian Science Publishing. This Virtual Compilation highlights 2015 papers of particularly high caliber and topical importance that were selected by the Editors of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal and featured on the journal’s homepage.
Original Post:
Nominations for the 2017 CGS Geotechnical Colloquium, to be presented during the GeoOttawa 2017 Annual Conference,have been extended to February 29, 2016. Any CGS member can submit a nomination.
Established in 1977, the CGS Geotechnical Colloquium is an annual, commissioned presentation and paper. Its purpose is to encourage and provide an opportunity for a younger member of the CGS to pursue studies required for its preparation. It is accompanied by a $
... [read more]The CGS would like to announce the newly re-branded Geohazards Committee replacing the Landslides Committee in response to a broadening of the interests and scope of committee members and activities. For more information please see There are currently seven active, standing committees: Education, Heritage, Professional Practice, Transportation Geotechnique, Mining Geotechnique,
... [read more]Following the very successful 18th ICSMGE held in Paris, France in 2013, the 19th Conference of the
International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE),, will be in Seoul, Korea, September 2017. The method of abstract and paper submission is different than for many international conferences. Abstracts must be submitted to&nbs
... [read more]Jean-Pierre Tournier (Hydro Quebec) Canadian Pacific Railway Engineering Medal ‘in recognition of leadership and service over many years at the regional, branch, section or equivalent levels, within the Institute or its Member Societies.’
Gordon Fenton (Dalhousie University) Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada
David Woeller (ConeTec Investigations Ltd) Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada
... [read more]Membership
Starting this month you will begin to receive reminders from CGS Headquarters to renew your CGS membership for 2016 – simply login at to get started. There are no increases in membership fees for 2016 and, in fact, fees for international members have decreased!
Membership benefits include:
online access to the monthly Canadian G