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Geotechnical Society
La Société canadienne de géotechnique
The Canadian Geotechnical Society
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CGS Virtual Townhall

July 2021

On June 17th, we held our first ever Virtual Townhall! Members of the Executive Committee talked about what their roles are and their goals for their terms. Some members from the Membership Committee joined the panel and attendees were able to ask them questions directly. Some of the topics discussed were the continuation of webinars in a post-COVID era, how undergraduate students can get involved, and the status of the revised Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual. If you missed the event, you can view the recording: 

If you would like to send us your comments on the event and what kind of engagement you would like to see in the future, don’t hesitate to email Justyna Kos-Fairless, VP Communications and Member Services at vpcomm@cgs.ca.