News from Recent CGS Meetings
Some of the significant informational highlights arising from the CGS Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Business Luncheon meetings held during GeoEdmonton 2018 include:
- The CGS continues to be in good financial health, but two years of deficit budgets has reduced the accumulated surplus;
- The Board of Directors approved and the members ratified a fee increase of $30 for Regular Members – the 2019 fee will be $220;
- Guidelines for the financial support for new initiatives were approved;
- The Board of Directors approved the issuance of an Expression of Interest for a CFEM Project Coordinator to accelerate work on the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual update initiative
- The Board endorsed the recommendation of Report 1 from the Communication Task Force on the future of the technical magazine of CGS for implementation in 2019 to ensure a smooth and seamless transition from the current magazine Geotechnical News to the new publication in early 2020;
- A new award recognizing Young Professionals was approved;
- The Southern Ontario Section proposal to host the 2021 CGS Annual Conference in Niagara Falls, ON, was approved;
- CGS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Geo-Institute.
To help the CGS Board of Directors continually improve the Society, we’re always looking for feedback on existing programs and ideas for new initiatives. Members are encouraged to send suggestions to the National Office to the attention of Lisa McJunkin at; your comments are always welcomed.