Canadian Geotechnical Journal, November 2018 Table of Contents
The November 2018 issue of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 55, No. 11 (as are all past issues of the CGJ) is available online at no extra cost to all CGS members. To access the journal (current or past issues), just log into the member section of the CGS website at then select the Canadian Geotechnical Journal link from the left-hand navigation column.
Non-CGS members can view the CGJ abstracts and citations for the November issue at Articles and Notes in this issue include:
- Evaluation of model uncertainties in reliability-based design of steel H-piles in axial compression
- Investigation into the influence of excavation of twin-bored tunnels within weak rock masses adjacent to slopes
- Laboratory piping tests on fine gravel
- Erosion of silty sand tailings through a geomembrane defect under filter incompatible conditions
- Effective stress regime around a jacked steel pile during installation ageing and load testing in chalk
- Statistics of model factors in reliability-based design of axially loaded driven piles in sand
- Laboratory assessment of semi-permeable properties of a natural sodium bentonite
- Effect of bio-cementation on geophysical and cone penetration measurements in sands
- Three-dimensional analysis of unanticipated behavior of a deep excavation
- Three-dimensional monotonic and cyclic behavior of a gravel–steel interface from large-scale simple-shear tests
- Deformation–failure mechanism of saturated fill slopes due to resonance phenomena based on 1g shaking-table tests
- Static fatigue of sand particles
- Discussion of “Suffusion susceptibility investigation by energy-based method and statistical analysis”