As you make your 2021 CGS membership payment, we invite you to also consider a tax-deductible donation to the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique. The Foundation is a registered charitable organization that recognizes and fosters excellence in the geotechnical fields in Canada. It provides approximately $35,000 in annual funding for CGS awards, prizes and distinguished lectures, including the CGS Colloquium, the Cross Canada Lecture Tours, the Michael Bozozuk National Graduate Scholarship, the Dennis Becker MSc Prize, and numerous awards to undergraduate students.
The Foundation has recently committed additional new funding for the CGS Colloquium Lecture Series to speak to university students, and has initiated a new scholarship – the CFG Dennis Becker MSc Prize (for Masters students). The Foundation continues to explore other funding initiatives to support the CGS as our funding base grows. Its ability to support such activities is directly related to the financial support the Foundation receives from CGS members.
For more information on the Foundation, visit