Canadian Geotechnical Journal, December 2020 Table of Contents
The December issue of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 57, No. 12, is available online to all CGS members. To access the current and past journals, log into your MyCGS account on the CGS website then select Geotechnical Publications. Non-CGS members can view the CGJ abstracts and citations for the December issue at:
Articles in the December issue include:
- Seismic reliability of axially loaded vertical piles
- Physicochemical effect on shear strength characteristics of clayey soils based on ring-shear experiment
- Effects of microorganism within organic matter on the mechanical behaviour of solidified municipal dredged mud
- Instability of flood embankments due to pore-water pressure build-up at the toe: lesson learned from the Adige River case study
- Experimental study of one-dimensional compression creep in crushed dry coral sand
- Effect of microbially induced cementation on the instability and critical state behaviours of Fraser River sand
- Deformation of Tianjin soft clay and corresponding micromechanism under cyclic loading
- Oxygen migration through a cover with capillary barrier effects colonized by roots
- Le glissement rocheux du 19 septembre 1889 le long du cap Diamant, Québec : une catastrophe appréhendée par Charles Baillairgé
- Experimental and numerical investigation of the Saint-Adelphe landslide after the 1988 Saguenay earthquake
- Landslide hazard assessment by smoothed particle hydrodynamics with spatially variable soil properties and statistical rainfall distribution
- Temperature effects on dredged slurry performance under vacuum preloading
- Impacts of matric suction equalization on small strain shear modulus of soils during air drying
- Laboratory study of low-sulfide tailings covers with elevated water table to prevent acid mine drainage
- Agarose gel as a soil analogue for development of advanced bio-mediated soil improvement methods