October 2-5, 2022 | Hyatt Regency Calgary, Calgary, AB
What better time to get back to in-person networking and collaboration than the 75th Anniversary of the CGS Conference? To celebrate this milestone, the GeoCalgary 2022 Local Organizing Committee is excited to hold a special Heritage Session. The Heritage Session will take delegates through time with “The History of the Canadian Geotechnical Society” presented by Doug Van Dine, “The History of Calgary Geotechnique” presented by Sarah Verwey, and “The Future of Geotechnique” presented by Suzanne Lacasse. We hope you will join us for some geotechnical time travel at GeoCalgary 2022!
Register now at https://geocalgary2022.ca/registration-and-accomodation/registration/ to celebrate this milestone with the CGS community.